Disrupting Healthcare with MVPs: The Journey from Code to Care!

Medical professionals can now diagnose patients while they remain on the other side of the screen. Notably, the mHealth market is rapidly growing by leaps and bounds and is likely to surpass USD 294,973 million by the end of 2030. Undoubtedly, the entire credit goes to the growing interest in telehealth, wearables, and whatnot. In thus blog We will guide you about Mvp ( Minimum Viable Product )

Healthcare experts and institutions are hungry to grab opportunities and take the market by introducing enhancements to help them acquire a competitive edge.

But do you know the reason behind the growing mHealth industry? Well, it depends on three factors: the growing popularity of mobile devices and apps, the expansion of mobile tech and innovation, and the healthcare industry emphasizing exceptional medical services.

While you just read about all the positives of using healthcare apps, it is equally vital to mention that almost 45% of healthcare apps fail to make their space in people’s hearts.


There could be a number of reasons, including growing competition, poor market fit, inadequate funding, etc. However, there’s one solution to all these rising issues.

The development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)! However, to understand what MVP is, it is vital to understand the basics of mHealth. So, begin reading as we dive into the pool of information about mHealth apps.

Introduction to mHealth: Pioneering a Health Revolution

These apps allow healthcare experts to quickly access medical data and monitor chronic diseases at an accelerated rate.

While mHealth apps have now occupied the limelight, a number of healthcare institutions have come forward to weave together an app that’ll do wonders for their business. Therefore, if you’re one of those, scheduling a consultation with the best healthcare app development company is the first step toward success.

Additionally, there are a number of healthcare apps that exist in the market. This is why it is vital to choose a perfect model compatible with your business requirements. Some of these app options are listed below:

  1. Personal Health Record Apps
  2. Telemedicine Apps
  3. Remote Health Monitoring Apps
  4. Wellness Apps
  5. Alerts and Reminders Apps

Once you’ve picked up an accurate formula, it’s time to begin working on your project. But first, don’t forget to emphasize MVP, as mentioned above.

But, what is MVP? Is it some sort of pixie dust that ensures the app’s success? We have the answer for you right here!

Understanding the Concept of MVP: Smart Small, Dream Big!

In layman’s language, Minimum Viable Product is a basic model of the actual product that’ll soon take the audience by storm! The purpose of building an initial app framework is to gather genuine user feedback and learn about their experience with the same. Therefore, doing so helps to work on that feedback to enhance the mechanism of your healthcare app at an early stage without burning a hole in your pocket!

What do you think?

Business Advantages of Building Healthcare MVP Development

Let’s take a look:

  • Time and Cost Balance

Compared to a full-fledged product, the MVP’s development cycle is an accelerated and cheaper process. Thus, MVP is an exceptional cost and time-efficient model. While MVP product development can take 3-6 months, an end-to-end development procedure can stretch up to 12 months or longer, which is why it is advised that building a basic model is a lot more relevant than waiting for the result of the final product.

  • Testing the Product with Real Users

As mentioned earlier, MVPs are extremely useful, considering that as early as real users approbate the model, the better the results will turn out to be.

  • If your healthcare product is intriguing, people to use the same.
  • Features that are missing and need to be integrated within the app.
  • Features that are already included and need to be excluded.
  • User reaction to define the following steps in the app development stage.
  • Issues that need immediate resolution.
  • Quicker Product Launch in the Market

Have you heard of the idiom- “The early bird gets the worm?” The situation is quite similar since the healthcare market is quite competitive. Therefore, jumping off the cliff straightaway won’t be a smart move. Rather, entering the market with an MVP product to capture feedback would be the right thing to do.

A Close Look at MVP Compliance in Medical Startups

You should know that any app development must meet the industry standards and requirements according to the region they operate.

Therefore, here are the regulations to be followed if you’re all set to develop an MVP model of a healthcare app:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This regulation is bounded by rules that are made to protect an individual’s personal data from theft,  fraud, and whatnot!

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

HIPAA, a federal law in the US, ensures the patient’s privacy and medical records. In layman’s language, HIPAA is built for medical practitioners to safeguard medical information from any disclosure.

Data Protection Act (DPA)

To begin building an MVP product that meets all the compliance requirements, get in touch with Techugo- a top-notch app development company that has built over 900 successful apps for its clientele.

Cracking the Code and Overcoming MVP Development Challenges

Indeed, you may encounter several challenges while MVP development of your app. Take a look at the following potential roadblocks:

  • Keep Health Risks in Mind

Just like not all medical conditions are the same, it is not essential that they all can be approached by MVPs. In fact, such situations require immediate and professional medical care for better treatment.

  • Emphasize the Most Important Features of MVP

App features are like an added jewel in the crown and must be emphasized efficiently. Therefore, figure out the best suitable and required features to incorporate within the app and begin working on them instead of brimming your app with features.

  • Regulatory Compliance Issues

As mentioned earlier, regulations must be complied with depending on the country or region where an app is being operated. No wonder working with regulatory compliance contributes to the complexity of building a project.

  • Cyber Threats

The healthcare industry is loaded with personal and sensitive data, which is why it has become a prime target for cybercriminals. Thus, online healthcare mechanisms must be protected with security features, including two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, and more to protect the product from data breaches.

  • Incorporation with Existing Systems

Have you thought if your healthcare app will have enough compatibility with the existing systems? However, the complexity arrives when you develop an MVP of solutions like EHR/EMR systems.

Do You Want To Kickstart Your Healthcare MVP Project?

The procedure requires careful consideration, from market research, app design, and wireframing to launching an app. However, developing an MVP helps you validate your business idea and acquire feedback from real users.

So, how about kickstarting your journey of MVP development? Fortunately, Techugo is a reliable mobile app development company in USA that has worked for a number of health tech brands to build highly secure and flawless mHealth apps.

Begin your journey with the best brood of developers and climb the success ladder in no time. Schedule your first consultation today to provide your target audience with the best and most innovative solutions.