Crystals For Your Home + Bonus Tip To Purify & Recharge Your Crystals Easily

Crystals have been revered since ancient times for their ability to cleanse energies. Crystals are believed to emit vibrations that can help reduce stress, calm the mind, improve sleep, ward off bad intentions and create harmony among family members. Choosing the right crystal for your home can be overwhelming, which is why we’ve compiled this list of interesting crystals and tips on how to integrate them into your life.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is one of the most grounding crystals, and it protects you from all forms of negative energy, geopathic stress and EMFs. 

The best way to protect your home is to place a piece of black tourmaline crystal in each corner of either the building or the property outside. If you want extra protection in a specific room, place a black tourmaline at every corner of the room, thereby creating a grid. 

You can then connect the crystals with an intention that everyone inside will be protected at all times with a small prayer like – “I call on the power of black tourmaline to protect this home and keep our family protected at all times, and so it is.”


You’re probably reading this article on your laptop or phone. The fact of the matter is that modern homes are filled with harmful energy from electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) generated by electronics. 

One way to limit EMF exposure is to keep one of these crystals sitting on your desk. It has special properties that help neutralize and purify electromagnetic buildup in the surrounding environment! You can even slip smaller pieces of shungite near outlets when you are charging electronics. 


If you wish to attract abundance and prosperity, a citrine crystal is a must-have. This bright yellow quartz crystal is one crystal historically used for attracting wealth and abundance. 

If you want to be flooded with abundance, place this crystal in the SE corner of your house. Plus, you can always carry a small citrine tumble in your wallet. 

But please be careful while purchasing it from an online store, as sometimes amethyst, a more affordable crystal, is heated, making them look like a quartz citrine. Always buy your crystals from a reputed crystal shop, licensed jeweler or occult shop. 

Rose Quartz

As with most red crystal meanings, Rose quartz crystals can create a feminine, nurturing, and peaceful environment in your bedroom.

You will notice that if you keep it in your bedroom, you will dream of finding your lover and also start receiving affection from everyone around you- its an infectious crystal! 

Furthermore, it promotes restful sleep and happy dreams. You can also wear a healing crystal bracelet to keep the benefits always working with you wherever you go. 

Cleanse And Recharge Your Crystal

When you obtain your new crystals, it is important to cleanse the energy of the crystal. A simple Himalayan saltwater bath can easily rid any impurities or foreign energies. 

However, be aware of what type of crystal you have acquired because different stones require different types of cleansing. For example, some crystals are damaged very easily by water, whereas others aren’t. 

To be on the safe side, always do some research on each crystal before beginning cleansing rituals.

But why is cleaning necessary? 

Our crystals collect a variety of energies that aren’t always welcome throughout their lives, such as concentrated levels of negative emotions, physical contaminants, and even radio frequencies. We must clean these unwanted energies regularly. After your crystal has been cleared of energy, it’s time to infuse it with your intention. Try holding it in your hands and meditating with it; envision your desires and surround the crystal with pure white light to clear out negative energy and call on your desired intentions. 

Always express gratitude for all the great energy you receive from crystals whenever you work with them.


Thank you for reading our post on these wondrous stones. We hope that you will go out and find yourself a crystal that you most resonate with, whether it is for love or simply for the protection of your home.