Collecting Gorillaz

Gorillaz, the British virtual band created by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett, has captivated audiences worldwide with their groundbreaking music and visually stunning artwork. Beyond their music, one aspect that has endeared fans to the Gorillaz universe is the collectible vinyl art toys featuring the band’s animated characters. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Gorillaz vinyl art toy collecting, offering tips, insights, and a journey through the captivating world of these unique collectibles. If your looking to collect designer art toys this post is for you.

A Fusion of Music and Art

Gorillaz vinyl art toys are more than just collectibles; they represent a seamless fusion of music and visual art. Each figure is a three-dimensional representation of the band’s animated characters, capturing the essence of their personalities and adding depth to the Gorillaz narrative. For fans, owning these figures is a tangible connection to the band’s artistic vision.

Unique and Limited Edition

Gorillaz vinyl art toys are known for their uniqueness and limited availability. Each release is a carefully crafted work of art, with attention to detail and quality that makes them highly sought-after by collectors. The limited nature of these figures adds to their appeal, as collectors eagerly anticipate new releases to expand their collections.

Define Your Collecting Goals

Before diving into Gorillaz vinyl art toy collecting, it’s essential to define your goals. Are you interested in collecting specific characters, entire series, or limited editions? Clarifying your objectives will help you focus your efforts and make informed collecting decisions.

Research and Education

Take the time to research Gorillaz vinyl art toys and familiarize yourself with the different releases, characters, and series. Understand the rarity and value of specific figures, and stay informed about upcoming releases. Online forums, fan communities, and social media groups can be valuable sources of information and insights.

Budget Wisely

Collecting vinyl art toys, like any hobby, can be an investment. Set a budget that aligns with your collecting goals and financial situation. Remember that rare and limited edition figures may command higher prices, so plan your purchases accordingly.

New Releases

Staying updated on new Gorillaz vinyl art toy releases is crucial for collectors. Follow the band’s official website, social media accounts, and collector forums to receive notifications about upcoming figures. Be prepared to act quickly, as highly anticipated releases may sell out rapidly.

Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, and dedicated vinyl art toy shops are excellent sources for finding both new and vintage Gorillaz figures. When purchasing from these platforms, verify the authenticity of the figures and research the seller’s reputation and reviews.

Local Vinyl Toy Shops

Don’t overlook your local vinyl toy shops and collectible stores. Some smaller shops may carry limited edition vinyl art toys or offer pre-orders for upcoming releases. Building relationships with these retailers can provide you with valuable access to exclusive figures.

Displaying Your Figures

Once you’ve started building your Gorillaz vinyl art toy collection, it’s essential to display your figures in a way that showcases their artistic value. Consider investing in display cases, shelves, or custom displays that highlight your collection while protecting it from dust and damage.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance is key to preserving the condition and value of your vinyl art toys. Handle your figures with clean hands to prevent dirt and oils from transferring onto them. Keep them out of direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can cause colors to fade. Periodically dust your collection with a soft, dry cloth to maintain its pristine appearance.

Join Collector Communities

Connecting with fellow Gorillaz vinyl art toy collectors can enhance your collecting experience. Online forums, social media groups, and collector meet-ups provide opportunities to share your passion, trade figures, and gain insights from experienced collectors.

Trading and Selling

As your collection grows, you may find yourself interested in trading or selling figures to acquire new additions. Online collector communities and marketplaces are ideal platforms for these transactions. Be transparent about the condition of your figures, and conduct transactions securely.

The Thrill of Gorillaz Vinyl Art Toy Collecting

Collecting Gorillaz vinyl art toys is not just a hobby; it’s a journey through the band’s artistic evolution and a celebration of their music and visual art. Each figure tells a story, capturing a moment in the band’s creative history. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting your journey, Gorillaz vinyl art toys offer a unique and captivating avenue for connecting with the band’s universe and owning a piece of their artistic legacy.

The Future of Gorillaz Collecting

As Gorillaz continues to push creative boundaries and explore new artistic horizons, the world of vinyl art toy collecting is likely to evolve alongside them. New releases, collaborations with artists, and innovative designs will keep collectors engaged and excited. The world of Gorillaz vinyl art toys is an ever-expanding universe waiting to be explored, making it an exciting and enduring hobby for fans and collectors alike.

Rare and Limited Edition Finds

In the world of Gorillaz vinyl art toy collecting, rarity often adds intrigue and value to a figure. Keep an eye out for limited edition releases, convention exclusives, and special variants. These figures are often produced in small quantities, making them highly coveted by collectors. Scouring collector forums, attending conventions, and networking within the collector community can lead you to rare and unique finds that will undoubtedly enhance your collection.

The Hunt for Vintage Treasures

While Gorillaz vinyl art toys continue to be produced, don’t forget the allure of vintage figures. Older releases, especially those from the band’s earlier years, can be both nostalgic and historically significant. Vintage figures might require extra diligence to find, as they may not be readily available through official channels. However, the joy of unearthing a vintage treasure that adds depth to your collection is a reward in itself.

Custom and Fan-Made Creations

The Gorillaz fan community is teeming with talented artists and customizers who create their unique interpretations of the band’s characters. Exploring custom and fan-made Gorillaz vinyl art toys can be a fascinating aspect of collecting. These one-of-a-kind creations often offer fresh perspectives on the characters and demonstrate the band’s enduring influence on artists and fans worldwide.


As a Gorillaz vinyl art toy collector, you play a vital role in preserving the legacy of the band’s visual artistry. Your collection is a testament to their impact on the intersection of music and visual art. Beyond the joy of collecting, consider sharing your passion by participating in exhibitions, meet-ups, or online communities. By connecting with fellow collectors and enthusiasts, you contribute to the ongoing celebration of Gorillaz and their unique artistic journey.

Photo Credit: Unsplash