Coach Matthew Schissler of GHS Investments on Building Confidence and Character in Young Athletes

Matthew Schissler is a prominent figure in the business world, with a career that extends across different industries including finance and technology. Currently, as a Founder of GHS Investments, he provides financing solutions to high potential small cap publicly traded enterprises. Not only is he enthusiastic about helping businesses reach their potential, Schissler also feels strongly about helping the youth do the same, specifically young athletes.

An Enthusiastic Coach

Schissler’s love for sports started at an early age, having played baseball since age seven as well as years of football, basketball and skiing. This is a love that has fueled his desire to give back to the community by coaching young people. His coaching goes beyond the basic teachings of the game; it is more of shaping the character of the future generation to make them resilient and disciplined, while fostering teamwork. Such values are handy in the young athlete’s sports life and in their overall lives outside sports as they navigate the various challenges they face.

A good example of Schissler’s effort to create a thriving environment for athletes is his coaching of both middle school and high school baseball, as well as youth recreational soccer.

He understands that confidence is a result of perseverance and readiness to overcome obstacles. He encourages the youth to push their limits to boost their sense of self-belief and instill greater self-confidence that will help push themselves in other areas of life.

Schissler strives to promote positivity among athletes by reminding them that they all have a potential to succeed, and his job is to help them unlock that potential. His coaching spans from giving motivational speeches and offering personalized training programs, all with the aim of making athletes feel that someone has their backs.

Character Development: Beyond the Game

For Schissler, coaching is not just about winning games; it is about building character. He emphasizes the importance of integrity, respect, and sportsmanship in every aspect of the game. By holding his athletes to high standards, Schissler teaches them the importance of being good teammates and responsible individuals.

Take Away

Matthew Schissler’s love for sports has been the driving force for his desire to mold young individuals in this career. He is committed to seeing every young athlete reach their full potential, both on the field and in their lives outside sports. He has a great vision for societal empowerment, and believes that with his coaching and philanthropic efforts, the future is in safe hands. The aim is to shape the leaders of tomorrow by instilling the right character, confidence, hard work, and resilience.