CCELL pods are transforming the vaping experience in 2023

Trends come and go, but those who predicted five or six years ago that vaping would be a short-lived craze have been proven wrong. In 2016, there were a little over 5 million vapers around the world. Today, there are about 55 million

As the market has grown, it has also had a chance to diversify, and manufacturers have invested significantly into developing new types of vaping experiences and products. These encompass everything from quick and easy disposable vapes to higher end refillables, and from cheap unbranded products to premium devices that are almost considered fashion accessories, like a brooch or a tie pin. 

CCELL vape pods cannot easily be dropped into any one of those categories. They are premium vaping products but are priced competitively, and they are available in both disposable and reusable forms. They have certainly shaken up the vaping market and are proving especially popular with the millennial vapers who constitute the younger and more fashion-conscious end of the market. Research data from Smoore found that in some US states, CCELL vapes and accessories constitute more than 70 percent of the vaping technology on the market.  

What makes CCELL different?

It is worth pointing out that there is more to CCELL vapes than presenting them in a fashionably designed pod that comes in different colors. In fact, the primary distinguishing factor, and the one that gives them their name lies at the very center of the vape with the ceramic heating element that is used to vaporize the vape liquid instead of a conventional wick.

The idea is that this provides a more consistent hit as it draws the oil from the tank and atomizes it with greater consistency. Aside from this method of atomization, pods are similar in overall design to other threaded vapes, and they typically use a standard 510 thread battery. These Lithhium ion batteries are highly efficient and versatile. They are compatible with many other atomizers, tanks, and cartridges, which makes it making it convenient for users to switch from one device or setup to another. The other difference is an aesthetic one. Designers have been allowed to let their imaginations run riot, so CCELL vape pods are available in various shapes, sizes and colors. They are typically small, too, so those who wish to vape inconspicuously can do so, keeping the vape in a pocket when out of use. Increasingly, however, young and fashion-conscious vapers carry their CCELL pods with pride, perhaps on a chain around the neck. 

Other ways of carrying the pod are available, with new ideas being developed all the time. Who knows, perhaps we will see pocket watch chains return to fashion, but with vapes instead of timepieces!

The CCELL vaping experience 

CCELL pods have been designed to facilitate the time-honored inhalation method of mouth to lung inhalation for a better vaping experience. That is when the user inhales initially into the mouth, holds it there for a moment and then fully inhales into the lungs. 

With some vapes, that method is not so easy or intuitive, as they have buttons to press and a larger mouthpiece. But the CCELL pod is simply activated by placing it to the lips and inhaling. This method of use applies to both the disposable and reusable vape pods. 

This gives users freedom to choose either sort. Refillable vape pods are the better option from a sustainability perspective, but it is important to keep them clean to avoid gunk build-up, which can impair the flavor over time. Disposable pods provide the optimum in convenience. 

Procuring CCELL pods through Hamilton Devices

Hamilton Devices has become synonymous with innovative vaping technology, and specifically for its partnership with CCELL. The California-based company has an exclusivity agreement with CCELL for online sales, and the company’s online store ships the full range of CCELL products worldwide. You can also find CCELL products stocked by most serious vape stores across the USA.