CBD: What It Is and How to Consume It

CBD is a compound that comes from the cannabis plant. It has been found to have many health benefits, including pain relief and anxiety reduction. The CBD can be consumed in various ways, such as vaping it or taking capsules. There are also topical creams that contain CBD for localized treatment of specific body parts. Pills are not recommended because they tend to lose their effectiveness after being ingested. Many of these consumption methods, as well as CBD itself, can be found online at stores such as Canna Cabana. If this is your first time hearing about CBD, or you would like to learn more about what it is, and how it can be consumed, continue reading to find out more. 

What Is CBD?    

There are between 80 to 100 cannabinoids in the marijuana plant, and only two of them are actively discussed; THC and CBD. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is one of the main active ingredients which has psychoactive properties. What this means is that it is THC that produces the psychoactive effects experienced when smoking or consuming marijuana. CBD stands for cannabidiol and is the other main active ingredient in the marijuana plant, but it is not psychoactive, meaning that just consuming CBD won’t produce any psychoactive effects. 

In most parts of the world, CBD is completely legal, so long as it contains less than 0.3% THC, which means that it can be sold almost anywhere, and be infused with almost any product. To date, no one has had any negative health issues caused by consuming CBD. 

What Are the Benefits of Taking It?          

One of the reasons why CBD has become so popular is because there are quite a few benefits that it provides, in addition to the fact that it doesn’t produce any psychoactive effects, meaning those that would like to receive some of the medical benefits of marijuana now can. 

A chief benefit that CBD provides is relief from pain. This is because CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system within the human body, a specialized system that is responsible for a few things. One of the things that happen when CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system is the reduction of inflammation, and it also reduces sciatic nerve pain.


The first method of CBD consumption on this list would be edibles. Just like marijuana edibles, CBD edibles are simply food products that have been infused with CBD. This has made them very popular amongst those who would like to experience the benefits that CBD has to offer, without needing to vape or smoke it. 

CBD edibles come in a variety of different forms, just like regular edibles, such as candies, lollipops, baked goods, gummies, and more. One of the best things about edibles is that they are now available in most supermarkets; at least, food that has been infused with some CBD is available.  

Isolate Powder

One of the more adaptable forms of CBD consumption is CBD isolate powder and has become popular amongst consumers for its ability to be used with almost anything. While CBD edibles are food items infused with CBD, they are often store-bought as it, whereas CBD isolate powder is exactly that, a powder that you can mix yourself with just about anything. 

More than this, you can simply place some of the powder under your tongue, mix it with a beverage like a smoothie, or even mix it with marijuana or hemp flower and smoke it. Isolate powder also has the benefit of being almost 100% CBD and contains almost no traces of THC at all or any other cannabinoid. 


Lastly, one of the more popular ways of consuming CBD is by vaping it. Vaping has become quite a popular pastime for many people, even for those who don’t consume nicotine or marijuana, since there are so many flavors to choose from. This is mainly done with vaporizers that use a concentrate since vaping CBD is most commonly done in concentrate form. 

There are many different flavors of CBD concentrates, and for those that vape throughout the day, it can be mixed with regular vape concentrate. This is a great way to measure how much is being consumed since the concentrates come in bottles and can be measured when filling up a vape pod. 

Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash