Can You Fully Trust Your Insurance Provider for Compensation?

Most people will want to pursue compensation when they suffer injuries or property damage in an accident, especially when someone else is to blame.

However, insurance companies sometimes use sleazy tactics to deny or reduce settlement claims. That means you will want to tread with caution when seeking compensation from the at-fault party’s insurer after an accident.

But there is no reason to worry. Understanding some of the common tactics that insurers use can help you identify who is trustworthy and who isn’t.

Five indicators that the insurance company you are dealing with is not trustworthy

1. Quick settlement offers.

Making early settlement offers is one of the common unscrupulous tactics that insurers use to lower your claim’s value. That is why you should never sign a claims release form without legal advice. Signing a release form means that you cannot collect any more money in the form of compensation even where your damages have been proven to exceed the amount of settlement paid out.

Ideally, you need to consult with a reliable law firm like the Hughey law firm in Charleston as soon as the insurance company reaches out to you or before accepting their settlement offer. Doing this will help you get a fair deal and ensure that your rights are not violated.

2. The friendly guy approach

Immediately after filing a claim, an insurance adjuster will likely reach out to you. They will act very friendly and helpful. Don’t fall for it. That is what they are trained to do. Most often, their nice talk aims to gain your trust and make you feel like they care. 

The truth is they may not be all that on your side. Their interest is in the profitability of their business. Falling for their trap could see you accepting a lower settlement that may not sufficiently cover your damages.

3. Advise you out of hiring a lawyer

Insurance companies know that insurance claimants with legal representation stand a better chance of getting substantially more compensation than those that don’t. As such, they may try to convince you not to hire a lawyer.

It is important to understand that they will have one on their side, so your chances of a fair compensation will be very slim without an attorney. So, if they are talking you out of hiring a lawyer, it is likely they aren’t trustworthy.

4. They demand a recorded statement.

Getting a recorded statement from all parties involved in an accident is one way an insurance company uses to preserve the record of the events of the accident. But rushing to give a statement can do you more harm than good as you are likely to say or do things that the insurer could use against you during settlement negotiations or at trial.

If you have to give a recorded statement, it is always essential to wait until you are in the right state of mind. More importantly, make sure you get legal counsel from your lawyer.

5. Demand to get unlimited medical authorization

If an insurer demands that you sign authorization giving them access to your medical records, there is a chance they are not trustworthy, and you shouldn’t do it. Most often, they will take their time digging up your life’s medical history. 

When they find anything in your history, like past injuries, they may use it to deny your claim or minimize the value of your compensation. Therefore, always consult your lawyer before signing any form of authorization or letter from your insurer.

Final words

If you notice any of the above tactics with your lawyer, they are probably trying to deny your claim or minimize its value. Working with a reliable attorney is the only sure way to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you get fair compensation for your damages.

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