Best way to catch a cheater: Why do people cheat?

There are a thousand and one reasons why people cheat, this article will focus on and explain why people cheat and how you can catch a cheater. Hiding an affair from a partner is something that has been happening since forever. We will help you find out the methods and ways your partner has cheated on you and how we can help you find the truth to catch a cheater. 

Infidelity can be described as a romantic and emotionally intense relationship with someone other than your spouse or partner. In general, adultery means that something is wrong in the relationship. 

However, instances may be referred to by different names. In common marital law, it is called “INFIDELITY” and “ADULTERY” in married couples. These could be long or short term. Types of cases of infidelity includes: casual, romantic, cyber, and emotional infidelity.

  1. Casual: This is a type of physical relationship between two people who just have sex . 
  2. Romantic affair: Love story can be considered as “a story of the heart”. These sometimes take the form of sexual contact between single or married couples. Although this is not always the case.
  3. Cyber affair: This can be thought of as an online dating or an online infidelity. It can be between individuals who may know basic information about each other. Like their names, but have never met. Or it can happen online to someone that person knows in real life. 
  4. Emotional affair: An emotional relationship can also be called a love affair. It often lacks sexual closeness, but has intense or lasting emotional closeness. 
  5. You may not be able to catch a cheater yourself but you may need an expert to help you expose a cheating spouse. 

Reasons why people cheat 

There are many reasons why a spouse might cheat or hide an affair from his or her spouse.

  • Sexual desire 
  • Lack of love 
  • Unmet needs 

There are plenty of other reasons why partners choose to cheat. So if you find it hard to really communicate with your partner or if they don’t make you feel valued. You may need to invest enough time and energy in your relationships. A person can suffer from chronic fatigue for many years. If you think you’ve been cheated on or you think your spouse may be cheating on you then you need the help of an expert to catch a cheater 

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How cheaters hide affairs. Catch a cheater by beating them at their game. 

  • Transaction tracking: You may not know it, but your credit card and phone bill can be constantly monitored if your partner tends to be suspicious. Any unusual purchases on your credit card statement could cause a partner to question your loyalty. It’s quite easy to find a way around it i.e. use cash for all your shopping for your secret lover. 
  • Digital Tracks :In the age of technology,You are bound to leave a “digital” trail that can make your partner discover your ungodly sins. These digital tracks leads include your call logs, recordings of phone conversations or social networking sites, emails, and more.  
  • Meeting place: They never take things for granted and avoid places near the places you frequent. It also helps them avoid popular places so they don’t run into anyone who might know them. 
  • Impenetrable alibi – Weak or false alibi are the most common things that make an affair seem obvious. they gave serious thought to the alibi that seemed quite plausible and verifiable. Further, These alibi include regular activities like taking a cooking class. Also, the gym, or any other activity that fits their profile. 

Catch a cheater using the Detechgeek monitoring service. 

Monitor your spouse’s phone with Detechgeek monitoring service. Contact detechgeek to help you catch a cheater. Here are some jailbreak-free features of this Phone monitoring service. You can also try a free app to spy on a cheating spouse

  1. Save iMessages: Save all sent, received and even deleted text messages.
  2. Phone Call Log: Record all incoming and outgoing call logs including phone number, caller ID and timestamp. 
  3. Web Browser Control: It gives you access to browsing history, even deleted searches and access logs. 
  4. Media File Copy: Gives you a copy of all photos, videos, and audio files that have been uploaded, downloaded, or stored on the target iPhone. 
  5. Live GPS Tracker: Live (Real time) and accurate GPS tracking of location. These features are guaranteed to help you catch a cheater.