Best Practices on How to Promote your Music on Soundcloud 2021

You already consider plenty of information regarding promotion music on Soundcloud. I just want to summarize all the content and commit to five main positions.

Use hashtag and hashtag tool


Hashtags are needed to increase demand and target specific audiences who enjoy the same music as they do. There are two ways to find the most effective hashtag by using the hashtag tool, viewing and trying other successful profiles. However, as we will learn later, the rules when using SoundCloud are a little different.

If you regularly check the SoundCloud Popular Search page, you can see the main search phrases from the past 24 hours. So try adding a few of them to the Tags field if they are relevant to your music.

Try to find similar artists


Just like creating a content strategy for aspiring artists, you need to do the same for your hashtags. Find artists like you who deal organically with their music, see the hashtags searches used and test them on your own songs.

However, when searching for hash markers, don’t be fooled by popup numbers that indicate how often they have been used. The number of posts with hashtags doesn’t mean that people search often. So you must have the niche hashtag that people are looking for, not the hashtag that everyone uses. If you use generic hashtags, you will also get bots that are likely to follow followers rather than actively interested in your music. 

Metadata for your profile


SoundCloud makes it clear that he prefers clean and easy-to-read metadata to upload songs to users. For example, on the blog above, users are advised to “avoid duplicate information that appears elsewhere. You don’t need to add song numbers to your titles when uploading albums,” using examples of good and bad titles. You have to use metadata accurately in case you are serious in Soundcloud promotion. And make sure you fill in the sections in the metadata section of the song uploader so that SoundCloud can make your action profile more focused and recognizable. 

Description for profile and tracks


Take advantage of these features by providing: a brief introduction to your music, you as a player, details about upcoming releases/events (if any), social links/website URL / purchase links, and asking people to follow you like and listen to your songs. But don’t make this information public. Make your writing personal and compile a story or a strong background around you as your artist and music. This is free promotional tool that could be extremely useful for boosting your music. In this way, your audience can make an emotional connection with you and be mesmerized by clicking on your music. 

You can also enter the appropriate hashtag. However, note that the SoundCloud algorithm prioritizes hashtags to be recommended to users. So, you don’t need to enter many of them because this is secondary from those in other fields with labels.

Google search engine optimization


Although the details are small, placing spaces between the words in your song title and your username handle can help your Google ranking. Google also likes repetition. So be sure to repeat the display name in your profile URL and assign it to your social group for maximum impact.

Photo by Rachit Tank on Unsplash