Benefits And Effects of Psychoactive Substances And What First-Timers Should Know

Psychoactive drugs are all around us and we might not be aware of them as we go along with our day-to-day lives. These types of substances are called psychoactive because they alter our mind’s perception of its surroundings. 

With the recent spike in cannabis legalization in many states – both for medical and recreational use – we see more and more people interested in dabbling in psychoactive substances. Of course, the line on psychoactive substances isn’t drawn at stimulants such as caffeine or cannabis, there are a plethora of substances and some of them, besides being very harmful, are also illicit.

First-time users of psychoactive substances like cannabis or psilocybin found in magic mushrooms should always exercise caution and never exceed the normal dosages.

What are the effects and benefits of psychoactive substances?

To have a better overview of the effect and benefits of some psychoactive substances, read below as we guide you through them.


Caffeine is used daily by most of the population due to its uplifting and energizing effects. It is considered safe for consumption and the numerous benefits of caffeine – a heightened sense of alertness, weight loss and fat-burning properties, fatigue reduction, and bronchodilation, lure newcomers into the world of tea and coffee. 

The safe dosage of caffeine consumption is around 400 milligrams which are around 4 cups of brewed coffee or 8 cups of green tea. General caution should not be too extreme as a moderate intake of caffeine can be even very beneficial to your overall well-being.


The reason why cannabis got the clearance to be used for medical purposes are its numerous health benefits. Cannabis can help fight stress, relax your muscles and stop tremors, aid in multiple sclerosis symptom management, and promote mindfulness.

If legal in your state, cannabis can be enjoyed by inhaling the smoke from the burning dry flowers. If you are a first-time user, the harsh smoke of the burning flower can irritate your lungs, that’s why you might consider a bong that will deliver a cooler smoke. 

Bongs come in a variety of shapes and colors, you can enjoy cannabis in a red bong, a hexagon bong, or zig-zag bongs, just pick away the style and enjoy your first experience with cannabis.

Another alternative is edibles, edibles are foods infused with the power of THC. First time users should always aim for 1 mg to 5 mg doses of edibles so that any unwanted side effects are evaded.

First-time users can expect to have a relaxed evening devoid of stress and if accompanied by friends, a lot of laughter.

Magic Mushrooms

People nowadays tend to prefer drugs that promote mindfulness and thinking. Magic mushrooms or shrooms open doors to perceptions unknown before to the individual because they contain psilocybin. They are usually consumed to increase creativity, release stress and reduce depression, all while increasing one’s openness to thought. 

To procure these mind-opening plants, one doesn’t have to look far. Dispensaries around the world are opening and you can receive shrooms even via mail. Utilize the practicality of a shroom dispensary in Canada or look for one in Amsterdam. But also keep in mind that regardless of the location, getting your shrooms via mail is always time conscious and discrete.

First-timers looking to enjoy the magic effect of shrooms should always purchase from a reputable store such as magicmushroomsdispensary and consider doing it with a user that has had previous experience. Supervised first-time experiences are considered to be the best option and most secure.


Alcohol has been around for thousands of years and it’s classified as a depressant. Depressants reduce muscle tension and feelings of stress. By using depressants above the recommended doses, the breathing process can become slower and shallower, the pulse can become rapid or weak, and even result in death.

However, alcohol used in moderation can be considered healthy. There is minor evidence of alcohol possibly contributing to the reduction of certain diseases in humans like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke when taken in small doses. The recommended dosages of alcohol are no more than two standard drinks a day for men and one standard drink a day for women

Many people use alcohol as a medium to have a better time while at a party, but going overboard can lead to embarrassment and injury.

To Summarize 

Psychoactive substances are substances that are considered mind-altering. Different substances offer different effects and benefits. With moderate usage, no real problems can occur and damage your health. Certain psychoactive substances can be extremely dangerous so it’s best to stick to what you know is safe and consumed recreationally. Enjoy the first time with company to make sure you have the perfect experience. That being said, consider the federal laws and find a way to enjoy some of the substances you want to experience without getting into legal trouble.