All About the Different Types of Cannabis Seeds

Whether it’s Cannabis seeds, leaves, stalks, or roots, a lot of its parts have their own unique property, but, to get the best out of these parts, you must know everything about it. This is especially applicable to the seeds, which are a great source of Omega-3 and Omega-6. 

Coming to the types, there are three types of Cannabis/Marijuana seeds available in the market. Wondering which ones? Read through:

Regular Cannabis Seeds

Regular Cannabis is naturally sourced Cannabis seeds that are not chemically altered. They are available as both female and male. So, if you grow it under appropriate growing conditions, you are likely to grow more female plants. 

Note that if you plant about ten seeds of the plant, the chances of them being male or female is equal. Put simply, the ratio could be 5:5. Make sure to cultivate the plants in recommended growing conditions, and you are good to go! 

Feminized Cannabis Seeds 

It must be clear from the name itself. Feminized Cannabis seeds are the seeds that are altered to grow female plants about 97% of the time. It’s quite in demand because these plants can produce flowers.

Female plants are known for having a considerable amount of cannabinoids like THC, CBD, or CBD. The amount is higher than in male plants, which can influence the production of THC in female Cannabis plants.  

The best thing about this plant seed is that you get the surety of the female variant. The seeds are sourced from the market and tested accurately. Once they pass the test, only then are they available for selling. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the science of Cannabis before you start with its plantation. 

Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds 

When the Indica or Sativa plant of Cannabis is crossed with Ruderalis, they form autoflowering Cannabis seeds. Plants from these types of seeds are commonly grown in China, Russia, and Europe. They are generally grown in areas with short summers, so the Ruderalis could bloom early. At their core though, it is smart to understand the differences between indica vs. sativa.

The reason why Ruderalis is crossed with Indica/Sativa is because of their lower THC content. Its crossing helps in the fast blooming of plants and ensures a good amount of THC as well. 

That’s it. Hopefully, now you know everything about the different types of Cannabis seeds. 

Photo by David Gabrić on Unsplash