Advantages and Challenges of Working From Home

Today a lot of companies have a remote workforce that partially or fully works from home. Even though just a couple of years ago this was a new trend in the market, today and it’s widely accepted by many companies.  

But, not all employees had a smooth transition in the process. Actually, it got quickly apparent that many office-based employees weren’t able to stay productive while they were working from home. However, we can’t deny that there are some advantages of remote working and here we will take a look at the main advantages and challenges of remote work.  

Good Work-Life Balance  

However, some might argue that there isn’t a good work-life balance, especially if they spend most of the time in front of their computer. But, others would argue that they don’t spend any free time commuting, which also needs to be taken into account.   

In fact, it’s estimated that at least one-hour people spend commuting from and to the office, which leads to over 100 hours per year. The wasted hours on the commute can lead to higher stress levels and hinder productivity. But when you’re working from home, you don’t have that obstacle, and you can definitely have greater control over the schedule.  

 If you find that you’re working long hours or you’re not that skilled at time management when you’re working remotely, then it’s important to use a method that keeps you on track. For example, with the Pomodoro method, you’re working for approximately 25 minutes on one task, and then you take a 5-minute break. After four Pomodoro sessions, you are entitled to take a longer break.   

Another benefit is that you can spend your break as you wish from the comfort of your own home. For example, you can take a walk outside, play video games, or do something fun like reading your favorite book.  

If you’re into mobile games, there are actually many high-quality mobile games available for your smartphone or computer. In case you want to play games of chance, there are hundreds of options online, suitable for high roller or beginners.  

All you need to do is register on a reliable online casino, while platforms like that provide an overview of the new casino sites will help you narrow down your choices and make a better decision. You can expect to play everything from poker, craps, blackjack to video slots, and many other options.  

Customizable Office  

One of the benefits of remote work is you can create a comfortable home office that works for your needs and preferences. Obviously, some people aren’t able to have a separate room for their workspace, but even a small nook can provide you with many benefits. It will improve your productivity and make your experience more enjoyable.  

You can make your space more comfortable by investing in an ergonomic chair or other office equipment like a standing desk. Of course, it’s equally important to take your time to take snacks, delicious beverages, and your water bottle on your desk. You don’t want to waste time popping up to the kitchen and preparing yourself a meal or getting a glass of water every five minutes.  

This will undoubtedly improve your productivity, especially if you have a lot of distractions in your space. Moreover, if you do work with other people or you share your space with roommates, family, or friends, the distractions and noise can become unbearable at some point. It doesn’t matter whether they’re watching TV or they are also working from home. Fortunately, you can manage your space by using noise-canceling headphones.  

Extra Free Time  

Even though some people are bad at time management, working from home gives everyone a perfect opportunity to learn how to become better at managing their time as they have an extra hour or two every day.   

Not only you can sleep him every morning, but you will likely have more free time during the day, and we can’t deny that it is way more convenient and fun to work from home as you can make your experience more enjoyable by listening to your favorite tunes, working from your pajamas, or spending your free time doing something that’s fun for you.   

Still, if you have trouble navigating your work schedule, it’s advisable to use apps like Trello, Indy, Evernote, Asana to keep track of your personal and work-related projects. You will enjoy your free time even more, when you have a better grasp of your schedule.   

Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash