9 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Anything While Traveling in 2021

Even though the pandemic restrictions have not been fully lifted yet, many people all over the world still have to travel and do their best to enjoy traveling as soon as they can. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to keep safe and follow the travel map Covid-19 rules to be ready for anything. These simple nine recommendations will help you to make the most out of any upcoming or current trip. 

1. Read Safety Rules Regarding Country’s Entry. 

These days it is even more important to get as much updated information as you can regarding the list of documents and vaccination that must be necessary for your target country. Unfortunately, the rules change all the time, which is why you must provide foreign officers with your plans and details of the trip. 

2. Have Your Immunization Card Ready. 

In addition to your healthcare documents and immunization card, it is also necessary to present information about current vaccination according to what has been approved by the foreign country. If it is not the case, one must have a negative Covid-19 test. Still, some countries will require a quarantine period that must be passed. 

3. Get All Your Documents Translated By Certified Specialists. 

Since it may take a while to get everything prepared and done on time, consider professional translations services. Remember that any official document requires certified experts. Don’t forget to check the spelling of personal names and relevant numbers. Always ask about translation deadlines and start with this aspect of things sometime earlier. 

4. Create a Preliminary Travel Plan. 

It is always much better when you have a plan of things to do and see by exploring the country with the help of various tourist guides or by researching various sightseeing objects on your own. You can always visit the country’s website to learn more or get to know the locals before you go abroad. 

5. Evaluate Your Funds and Resources. 

Keep your money safe by dividing your funds between what you have in a bank account and in cash. Since some places like Berlin accept only cash, it is essential to find out how to open a bank account and what payment methods may be available abroad. 

6. Always Have a Plan “B”. 

In case something goes not as planned, always have a plan “B” to make sure that you can do something else and avoid trouble. Keep in touch with your legal advisor and always have a translated document that lists your trip’s purpose. 

7. Keep All The Necessary Medication Ready. 

If you have any chronic illnesses, make sure that you find out if you can obtain your medication abroad. Keep your medical kit always along with you and remember to always include medication against allergies (or most common issues) that you know well. You can also discuss this aspect with your physician before you travel. 

8. Keep Safety Bracelet With Your Contact Info. 

Consider using emergency ID bracelets for travelers. These contain your name and the contact phones with your home address or hotel’s name. While they do not cost much, they may save your life in an emergency. 

9. Learn Basic Foreign Phrases. 

Consider using apps like DuoLingo to learn some basic foreign language words or turn to most common traveler’s dialogues. Even if you can greet a taxi driver or a hotel clerk in their native language, your traveling will be way more enjoyable. 

Following Common Sense

Traveling in 2021

Even if you are in a place that you have visited before and know the locals well, don’t forget about keeping all your documents along with you. Do not keep cash unless it is absolutely necessary and avoid visiting dangerous areas during the late hour. Stay polite, smile at people, and always let someone know about your plans by leaving your current contact information. While it may be a simple bit, it will help to keep you safe anywhere! 


As an educator and business consultant, Merissa likes to travel all over the world and share what she learns. Her posts are always fun and accessible. Follow Merissa to learn something new and get inspired.

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