Unique Ways to Beat Boredom in Quarantine

How have you spent your days so far in the COVID-19 pandemic? Vaccines have been released, but many of use are still spending the majority of our time going between the couch and the kitchen table. If you want to stay engaged while using your time wisely, there are a ton of easy and fun ways to spend your time with the tools that are around you. Here are some tips for making the most out of your time at home, while quashing boredom along the way. 

1. Start an Exercise Routine

Gyms might be closed, but there are a variety of home workouts to choose from that require little or nothing more than your own body weight and few square feet of open space. If you look around, you might be able to create your own home gym with the itesm and space you already have. 

From yoga to crossfit, many virtual exercise instructors have taken to the internet to keep business going during the lockdown. This has made it easier than ever for consumers to keep up with their favorite routines from home, with their laptop, tablet, or even smart TV.

2. Cultivate a Skill

Many people chose to learn new skills during the first few months of lockdown, but working on existing skills is an equally useful way to spend your time. 

Consider your strengths and which areas of your skillset you could polish with the resources you have available to you. Could you spend 15 minutes a day listening to audio prompts to boost your creative writing sessions? Are you able to sharpen a foreign language by reading or watching content that’s a bit out of your comfort zone? 

Fortunately, the remote boom has made it incredibly easy to find just about everything you need for day-to-day life on the internet. From mental games to free online courses, there are a ton of ways to get experiential education instead of typing “reading tutor near me” into your search bar. 

3. Create a Self-Care Plan

Self care isn’t exclusively for influencers. Implementing a few changes to your daily routine has been proven to help improve mood, focus, concentration, and overall mental wellness during the COVID-19. 

Whether you fancy a weekly pedicure, or a few uninterrupted hours with tea and a good book, there is no shortage of ways to make yourself feel good and recharged on a regular basis. 

4. Host a Virtual Party

We might not be able to head to the pub for happy hour just yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be social with our circles in a safe and convenient way. Video chat, messaging, and online environments make it possible to plan a full party from start to finish with digital tools. 

Pick a time, choose your platform, and send out the invite with instructions about your pending event – and get ready to hang out with your favorite people.

You can specify menu options or provide a cocktail list for an even more synergized soiree. Or, you can keep it casual with a funny chat background and some goofy props. 

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, promotion, or just another Friday on the books – there’s no reason why you can’t move your event online. 

Taking care of yourself and staying stimulated is a top priority for those who are spending upwards of 20 hours a day in the same few walls. Making just a few changes to your daily routine can have a huge impact on your mental and physical health. 

Here are some core suggestions for those looking for a mind or body boost in 2021.