Vital License Plate Facts All Drivers Should Know

If you are a licensed driver, then you likely know your car needs a license plate. If you drive a commercial vehicle, it needs a license plate as well. You also probably know that the police track cars by license plate, and that the DMV tracks vehicles that way as well.

License plate laws vary by state across the US, and if you become a licensed driver, you should know the laws that govern yours. In this article, we will talk about some license plate facts that all drivers should know.

Most States Require That You Have Both a Front and Rear License Plate

If you live in several states, and you are a licensed driver, then you will need a license plate on both the front and back of your car. However, that’s not the case in all 50 states.

At the moment, 29 out of 50 states require that you have both front and rear license plates. If you get your driver’s license, and you buy a vehicle as well, you must make sure you have both a front and rear license plate if your state requires that.

If you’re not sure if your state requires both front and rear license plates, check at the DMV when you get your license. You can also get the answer by visiting your state DMV’s website.

Special Interest Plates

You might also see different license plates on various vehicles, even if the same state issued them. For instance, you may see what the DMV calls special interest plates.

Special interest plates usually support causes. In that respect, they’re much like the colored bracelets that some people choose to wear. 

If you have a license plate that supports a cause, it helps to make more people aware of it. It’s a small thing, but it may make you feel you’re doing your part.

You may also get a license plate in some states that shows you have achieved something, or that someone in your family has. You might sometimes get one that shows you belong to a certain group or occupation.

Often, if you get one of these plates, you must first show proof that you’re in that group or that someone in your family has a particular status. If you have a plate that says you’re a military veteran, for instance, but you’re really not, then some people might consider that stolen valor. They regard that pretty seriously. 

You might see plates that highlight causes, sports teams, or organizations. These plates will usually cost a bit more than non-personalized ones.

Military Plates

You can usually get military plates if you served at some point, or if you’re a military parent or grandparent. You can find many personalized ones showing you have a family member in the Army, Navy, Marines, etc.

The police will sometimes act differently toward you if they pull you over and you have military plates. The cops often hire individuals with military backgrounds, so they show each other loyalty. 

Disabled Plates

You can also get special plates that show you have a disability. Some people don’t like that term, though, and call themselves differently-abled.

If you have such a plate, you might have many different disabilities. They might seem obvious when someone looks at you, or sometimes less so. 

If you have a disability plate, then you can normally park in a zone with that designation. However, if you don’t have that designation, and you park in such a space, you might get a ticket if the police see your vehicle.

Animal Welfare Plates

You can sometimes spot animal welfare license plates of various kinds. These ones usually feature animals on them somewhere. 

Funds from the sale of such a plate will normally go to a nonprofit. If you pay a little more to get them, then that money might go toward spaying and neutering dogs and cats or something similar.

What About Commercial Plates?

You will also need different plates if you want to drive a commercial vehicle. You will need to go through different testing to get a commercial driver’s license first.

Maybe you want to start a career in the trucking industry. If so, you can make good money and have steady work. 

You can get the requisite training, even if you don’t have a college degree. That’s something about the profession that makes it attract a lot of bright, capable individuals.

By passing a test and getting a commercial driver’s license, you can operate an 18-wheeler. You will need special plates for it as well, though.

The company for which you work will normally get these plates. If you own your own semi, then you must get them. You will need to go to the DMV website for your state to figure out how much they cost. 

What Happens if You Do Not Have the Right Plates?

If you don’t have a license plate on the front and back of your vehicle, and you’re in a state that requires that, then the police might ticket you if they pull you over. You may also get a ticket if you have both a front and back license plate, but they’re not in the right spots that your state dictated on the DMV website.

The ticket might cost less or more depending on whether you committed this offense in the past. In general, if you get a ticket because you don’t have plates on the front and back of your vehicle or they’re not in the right spot, you will want to fix the problem as soon as possible. If you don’t fix the issue, you might get another ticket anytime you leave the house and drive somewhere in your car. 

If you buy a new car, it should come with plates. You will have to contact your state’s DMV to let them know you’re driving that vehicle. That way, you will know you are in full compliance.