What To Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents can occur unexpectedly and can cause severe injuries and even death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. When a slip and fall accident occurs, whether it be on the sidewalk or in a grocery store, you must take the appropriate steps to protect not only your health but also your legal rights. In this article, we will discuss the important steps that you should take after being injured in a slip and fall accident.

Seek Medical Attention

The first and most important thing that you should do after slipping and falling is to seek medical attention immediately. Even if you initially feel fine, think you have only suffered minor injuries, or do not suspect that you have sustained any injuries at all, it is important to be evaluated by a medical professional as the onset of symptoms can sometimes be delayed. If these hidden injuries are left untreated or are addressed too late, it can lead to serious medical complications. 

Not only is seeking medical attention after a slip and fall accident important for your physical recovery, but it is also crucial for documentation purposes. Medical records, such as doctors’ notes, prescription medications, and treatment, will be incredibly valuable to your slip and fall attorney when filing a personal injury claim. The sooner you visit a doctor, the easier it is to establish that the injuries were directly related to the fall and required medical attention.

Gather Evidence

The next essential step to take after a slip and fall accident is to gather evidence related to the incident. This evidence will be essential in proving liability and the extent of damages should you decide to take legal action. First, you will want to document the scene of the accident by taking pictures and videos of the hazardous conditions that may have caused you to fall, such as wet floors, uneven pavements, or inadequate lighting. In addition to photographic evidence, it is important to gather the names and contact information of any individuals who may have witnessed the accident occur. Their testimony can be valuable in helping establish the facts of the case and strengthen it overall. 

Report the Accident

After ensuring your safety and gathering any pertinent information and evidence, it is important that you report the accident to the property owner, manager, or other responsible party. When doing this, it is important that you ask for an official incident report to be created, as this official document can strengthen your legal case. Reporting the accident can also help reduce the chances of another similar accident occurring by addressing the hazardous conditions that may have caused the fall. 

Take Legal Action

The last thing that you should do after being injured in a slip and fall accident is to take legal action. Slip and fall accidents often result in mounting medical bills, lost wages, and other compensatory damages that you may be entitled to recover. Therefore, reach out to a slip and fall accident lawyer who can review the details of your case, protect your rights, and ensure that you recover maximum compensation.