7 Surefire Ways True Grade Helps You Identify Counterfeit Collectibles

Are you a collector in the making or already one? Acknowledging the influx of counterfeits is essential. This is because these memorabilia are highly sought after, and miscreants are taking advantage of this. Furthermore, counterfeit production has become more sophisticated. The mushrooming of online marketplaces that nobody monitors is also to be blamed. This has led to collectors’ financial losses. It has also eroded trust in the market. For this reason, you should use platforms like True Grade to identify counterfeit collectibles. Such platforms help in the following ways:

1. Advanced Authentication Technology

The platform’s use of advanced technology is essential in identifying counterfeit collectibles. This offers you a reliable way to verify the authenticity of their items. It uses high-resolution imaging technology to capture detailed collectible images. The images can reveal minute details such as wear, print quality, and material textures. Such features are often difficult to see with the naked eye.

By zooming in on these fine details, the platform can detect inconsistencies or irregularities that may indicate a counterfeit item. With the soon-to-be-launched True Grade app, the platform can run comprehensive comparisons with a database of authentic collectibles.

2. Community Voting

This grading site has a community that it innovatively uses to identify counterfeit collectibles; True Grade is no different. It uses the seasoned collectors market knowledge and experience. This crowdsourced approach is unmatched because it enhances the spotting of irregularities. Additionally, multiple people reviewing a collectible bring diverse perspectives. This helps notice distinct aspects of a piece, such as inconsistency in engravings. Using this feature entails doing the following:

  • Join a collector community platform. Choose the ones that partner with True Grade.
  • Submit your collectible for review.
  • Wait for voting to take place.
  • Engage with the community asking about your collectible, mostly its unique features.
  • Review the final consensus on your collectibles’ authenticity

Using the platform for community voting when you are into coin collecting would be best due to the benefits that come with it. For instance, you will build relationships with other collectors. This makes it easier to trade within that network.

3. Historical Data Comparison

Also, it uses a robust system of historical data comparison to identify counterfeit collectibles. It relies on detailed records of genuine items to detect inconsistencies and anomalies in potentially counterfeit pieces. The platform maintains an extensive database of authenticated and verified collectibles. It does so across various categories, all in high resolution. When you submit your collectible images, it cross-references, checking attributes such as design and wear pattern. This AI-powered process is efficient, processing vast amounts of data within seconds. The comparison also has a low likelihood of errors.

4. Value Assessment

True Grade can also help you identify counterfeits through value assessment. This happens through evaluating the item’s market worth and comparing it with authentic similar items. Through this, the platform can flag red flags like too-good-to-be-true prices that may suggest a counterfeit. These platforms allow algorithms to assess the current market value in real time. This includes analysis of recent sales data and listing from reputable sites. It also verifies rarebit claims.

5. Common Pitfalls Awareness

Besides the cutting-edge tools, this platform can help you avoid counterfeits through awareness of common pitfalls. This can happen on the forums and websites it partners with. The partnering platforms provide insights into the most frequent methods used by counterfeiters. This helps you avoid falling into scamming traps. For instance, you will find information on how the scammers falsify certificates of authenticity. You will also learn how to avoid relying on visual appeal. Additionally, you will learn about marketplace traps like engaging unverified sellers, which can leave you with a counterfeit collectible.

6. Digital Provenance

This collectible identification and grading platform also tracks the provenance and ownership history of the items. It analyzes previous transactions and the collectible’s movement across owners. Through this, it can verify if the coin has a consistent and legitimate history. Suspicious gaps in the collectible’s history or unexplainable market appearances can indicate counterfeit activities. With the soon-to-be-launched True Grade app, this provenance will improve. This is because you will be able to conveniently run a quick legitimacy check on your device.

7. Continuous Learning

Coin collecting keeps attracting scammers due to its potential. Each of these scammers comes with new ways to counterfeit the highly sought-after collectibles. This is why platforms like True Grade provide continuous learning directly or patterns. They do so through before-and-after comparisons and lessons learned in the collection world. Using such platforms is the best decision because you will gain updated knowledge on counterfeits and how to avoid them.

Being a collector of coins and other valuable collectibles like cards is undeniably a worthy hobby. However, its popularity and potential have attracted scammers ready to steal from you. Thankfully, platforms like True Grade are here to help. They have various measures to assist in identifying fake collectibles. Use them and enjoy your hobby worry-free.