Hire TypeScript Developers With Moravio

Without any doubt, JavaScript holds the top place as the most usable language to build a website. Nevertheless, sometimes it comes to the point when there is needed more, and there’s no way to stick with it. That’s why when you are in need of additional functionality, you need to hire TypeScript developers who can help you a lot.

Basically, TypeScript professionals are working on making additional code lines in order to avoid in the future tiresome hours of debugging. Let’s take a closer look at the main benefits of these developers. Having a TypeScript developer on your teams also allows you not to worry about how the back and front-end of any software will run. 

Improving the overall production during the creation of complex applications stands as the main purpose of TypeScript developers. To find the most common errors during code writing, it’s necessary to use a richer environment. That’s why TypeScript developers have absolutely different functions than javascript and are able to do other things. 

Moravio is a leading provider of TypeScript web development services. When it comes to managing and implementing all parts of development, product design, and marketing, they have more than 10 years of expertise across a wide range of sectors. Moravio can accommodate your company’s specific requirements, whether you need to employ a single TypeScript engineer for software development or are searching for TypeScript team services to completely design, manage, and deliver on a wide variety of online and mobile apps.

Except for being a popular language, it naturally has some great benefits, among which are minimizing the possibility of bugs and the future spending on fixing them. Also, as an important part of the work, TypeScript can improve user experience. In case it’s possible, then TypeScript developers will make sure that there are no bugs because they will write additional codes.


Pushes the team. TypeScript developers are working as necessary connectors and are able to power up the performance of other developers on the team. It means more effective code, fewer bugs, and more time-effort efficiency.

Better code. Not only is the work that TypeScript developers do efficient at the particular project but there is more to it. The code they write also can be used again and again, so there is no need to write it from scratch every time. Besides, during writing, a developer gets all the info on functions and libraries in his own panel, which again, saves time. 

Improvement. TypeScript developers basically keep improving the code and the work on the project; keeping updating the performance of the application. 

High accuracy. Working with TypeScript presents a lot of advantages by itself, especially in avoiding serious syntax or compliant errors. Before publishing the code it’s possible to make a checkout and see if there are any bugs and fix them. 

Finding the TypeScript developer. Firstly, you need to make a list of the important criteria to narrow down the search for the right developer. It’s necessary to understand what exactly this person will be doing on your team and what kind of input they will make. There are a few skills you might need to consider:

Broad proficiency. There are quite several various programming languages that can be used in making a software application. That is why a TypeScript developer should specialize in at least one language and have a broad knowledge of others to be able to do their job. 

Databases. Data organization plays a prominent role in working with complex applications. TypeScript developers should be able to search for required information, put in new lines of code, and be able to make updates with new content. 

Test skills and knowledge 

If you are already in the hiring and selection process, it is important to be sure that applicants have the right skills and experience. 

Necessary Skills 

  • A portfolio to check the skill level 
  • Ask whether a developer is active in the TypeScript community 
  • Request references from the previous employer
  • Ask for a test assignment to check the technical skills 
  • Check if a developer has experience in writing a large-scale web application
  • The ability to write clean and efficient code is important too

Soft Skills

Many companies overlook communication skills during the hiring process for development positions, but it is as important as the ability to write code. The way of communication inside the team can drastically affect the productivity and efficiency of delivering the product. Some might argue that point, but in order to have a successful and performing dedicated team, you want to make sure communication is smooth inside among employees and with the hiring company teams as well. 

In order to hire a good TypeScript developer, the first thing you must have is clarity about what you want to deliver by your tech project, so you will have a broader picture of the skills required by your employee. Another important thing to consider is the salary. Depending on the level and experience, you can expect a pay between $50 and $100 per hour for a Middle position.