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Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in America. When misdiagnosed, this can turn into a fatal scenario, resulting in lifelong complications or, in adverse cases, death.
The condition often gets worse with time when a medical facility or doctor fails to identify symptoms correctly. In that case, a patient usually files a medical malpractice lawsuit against the healthcare provider or medical facility.
To help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy, here is everything about a misdiagnosed heart attack and common scenarios that can cause it.
How does a misdiagnosed heart attack occur?
A heart attack can be misdiagnosed due to many reasons. The most common is when a doctor mistakenly diagnoses another condition instead of a heart attack, like heartburn, acid reflux, or Bronchitis.
While adults show more prominent heart attack symptoms, young victims are often misdiagnosed as they are not part of the typical demographic. It also occurs when medical facilities or a doctor fails to order appropriate tests like coronary angiography or misread lab tests, like EKG, MRI, carotid ultrasound, blood test, etc.
Common scenarios of a misdiagnosed heart attack
If a heart attack is misdiagnosed, it can be fatal for a victim leading to health complications, decreased quality of life, or ultimate death. To help assess the situation with a better perspective and more intelligently, here are some common scenarios that can cause a misdiagnosed heart attack.
Minor Symptoms
The minor symptoms of heart attack can seem non-life threatening, in which case a doctor may not even conduct necessary tests for a cardiac issue. Chest pain or shortness of breath could be such minor symptoms. Although, your doctor is obligated to take the essential steps and conduct comprehensive exams to identify the problem.
Atypical Symptoms
A heart attack can exhibit a multitude of symptoms. Many of them are not commonly associated with cardiac issues. A misdiagnosis can occur if your symptoms don’t match the typical symptoms.
Universally Applicable Symptoms
As we said earlier, a cardiac issue has many symptoms, some of which are commonly associated with other health conditions. In this scenario, if the doctor fails to conduct any cardiac tests, it can result in a misdiagnosed heart attack.
Normal EKG Activity
Electrocardiogram (EKG) machines are commonly used to diagnose cardiac issues. Doctors rely on this equipment to diagnose cardiac problems. But, if the machines display regular activity after a heart attack, and the doctor fails to conduct a further examination, this can lead to a misdiagnosis.
What to do after you have been misdiagnosed?
Cardiac issues are life-threatening, and if your doctor or medical facility fails to provide an accurate and timely diagnosis, it can result in severe health complications or worse. So if you or your loved one has been misdiagnosed in case of a heart attack, you can seek compensation for your losses.
A medical malpractice lawyer can help you with your personal injury lawsuit. Remember, you must file the lawsuit within two years of misdiagnosis. Also, secure all your medical records. Switch to a different medical provider, and seek immediate attention for your health concerns. Note down everything you remember or know about the incident. Enhance the privacy and security of all your social media handles and prevent any unknown individual from accessing them.
Try finding an experienced and specialized personal injury attorney who can sympathize with what you have faced and guide you through your next step of a misdiagnosed heart attack.
Final words
A misdiagnosed heart attack can affect your and your loved ones’ life in many ways. It is an unfortunate situation to be in. There are ways to avoid it, but in some circumstances, it is inevitable. That is why you need to be prepared for any such scenario. Keep in mind that you can always take help from a professional. It is better to seek a second opinion from a medical provider to determine your situation. If things go south, consider seeking compensation for the losses you have incurred due to the mistakes of a medical facility or doctor.
Image Credit: Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash