How to Reinstall Frontal Wigs for Beginners

We all know that makeup can be fun, trendy, and even inspiring. But what about when you don’t want to wear any makeup? What do you do then? One option is to wear a full face of concealer, but that can get old fast. Alternatively, you could go for a more minimalistic look by wearing a frontal wig. But don’t worry, even if you’re a beginner, installing a frontal wig is easy! In this article, Beauty forever will walk you through the steps involved in RE installing a frontal wig for beginners. So read on to learn how to make your look unique and inspire others with your creative choices!

The first step is to remove the existing frontal wig. If the wig is glued in place, use a hair remover or an adhesive removal pad to gently remove the glue. Make sure not to rip or damage the hairpiece. Once the glue is removed, you can easily pull off the wig.

If you’ve ever wanted to try wearing a wig but were scared of the commitment or felt like you couldn’t do it right, a frontal wig might be the perfect option for you! Frontal wigs are made of natural hair, so they’re incredibly comfortable and easy to wear. Here’s everything you need to know about installing a frontal wig: 

How to RE install a frontal wig

If you have decided to go ahead and purchase a wig but are unsure how to install it properly, follow these steps. 

  • Remove the existing hair from the front of the scalp.
  • Cut a piece of headwear that will fit snugly over the head but allow some room for movement. This piece of headwear will become your new frontal wig.
  • Secure the wig in place by securing it around your forehead with elastic or bandages.
  • Trim any excess hair from around the edges of your new frontal wig, so it looks neat and tidy.

Tips for choosing the right frontal wig

When it comes to choosing a frontal wig, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure the wig is suited for your head size. Wigs come in different sizes, so be sure to measure your head before making your purchase. Second, consider the style of the wig. There are many different types of lace front wigs, from natural-looking styles to sleek and shiny styles. Third, figure out what type of hair you want to use the wig for. Some wigs are made with synthetic hair, while others are made with real human hair wigs. Finally, be sure to take care of your new frontal wig! Follow these tips for keeping your wig looking its best

How to care for your frontal wig

As with any hairpiece, proper care is essential for keeping your frontal wig in good condition. Delicate synthetic fibres can be damaged by heat, humidity and chlorine, so follow these general tips to keep your wig looking its best:

 1) Store your wig in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it with other hairpieces or excessive amounts of moisture-rich products, which can lead to mould and fungus growth.

 2) Protect your wig from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Wigs should not be stored in direct sunlight or near a heating appliance.

 3) Never use harsh chemicals or cleaning agents on your frontal wig- these can damage the fibre structure and cause shedding. Instead, use mild shampoo and water to clean it regularly

 4) Don’t pull on the hair or clip it too tightly- this could cause tangles and breakage. Instead, gently comb through the wig after each wear for a neater look.


If you’re looking to get a new wig but don’t know where to start, this guide will teach you the basics of RE installing frontal wigs. First, you’ll need some supplies: a hairpiece, scissors, a hot glue gun, and a wig cap. Next, make sure your hair is neatly trimmed and free from knots or tangles. Next, heat up the hot glue gun and attach the hairpiece to the wig cap. Make sure that the edges of the hairpiece are aligned with the edge of the wig cap. Finally, use scissors to cut around the edges of the hairpiece so that it fits snugly onto the wig cap.

Photo by Nico Kalka on Unsplash