What Can Austin Bingo Halls Do to Stay Modern?

When people think of bingo halls, there is a certain kind of person that might come to mind. Bingo has long been the domain of the older generation in Austin and the US in general, and it’s safe to say that younger Americans don’t have anywhere near as much interest in playing.

However, that’s not the case internationally, so the question is – what can the many bingo halls across Austin do to bring in younger players and how can they modernize to meet current trends?

The current state of bingo

When first looking for bingo halls around Austin, then Austin Capitol Bingo springs up as a winner of multiple Austin’s Choice awards, making it a great benchmark, offering both video and paper bingo options.

However, there’s currently not a lot in place that can compete with online options. The offer of cheap birthday sessions doesn’t compare with free bingo play at Paddy’s, nor can it match the convenience of playing from your smartphone.

As it stands, halls like Austin Capitol would need to find more unique offerings to make them stand out, and while there isn’t a lot of inspiration in other places local to Austin, across the Atlantic, bingo has taken on entirely new forms.

The UK’s bingo revolution

For those who don’t know, the Brits have long had a love of bingo. The most up-to-date stats are hard to find, but statistic site Statista claims that live bingo halls regularly bring in half a billion pounds a year, with millions of active players each week.

Larger bingo halls in the UK are almost on the scale of full-blown casinos, often with space for hundreds of players at once with video monitors within sight of all players. There’s much more glamour than you’d find at Austin bingo halls, or anywhere outside of Vegas for that matter, with plush seating and wall-to-wall carpeting, plus custom-designed interfaces for players to use and pop music piped in.

Admittedly, the overall opinion of bingo in Britain is higher than here in the US. But major investment means that it is attracting audiences both young and old, thanks to its sleek and modern elements.

Futuristic bingo

Speaking of the UK, the advanced and futuristic Hijingo is showing just how far bingo can go. It is described as a bingo experience with digital displays and hosts, bringing to mind a modern game show rather than a bingo hall. The room is filled with neon lights and wall art, and the high-quality food is a step up from the bingo hall nachos found in Texas.

This is bingo redesigned for a younger generation. While traditional bingo will always have its place in the hearts of older generations, it’s certainly a positive step towards continuing the legacy of bingo.

Overall, looking across the Atlantic demonstrates what routes halls in Austin could take. Britain’s bingo culture proves that it’s possible to draw in new audiences to old games by updating the aesthetics and surroundings of the traditional bingo hall.

Source: Unsplash