3 Best TMS Treatment Tips & Tricks to Get Stellar Results

TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is a non-invasive treatment option for depression and other medical conditions. The treatment involves the use of a high-intensity magnetic field to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. While tms therapy chicago has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression, it is important for patients to follow certain tips for success with the treatment.

First, it’s important that patients find a qualified provider who offers the TMS procedure and understand how it will affect them before beginning this course of treatment. Patients should also keep track of their symptoms during and after each session so they can provide feedback to their doctor on how well their condition is responding. Additionally, since fatigue may occur after TMS sessions, it’s recommended that individuals take time off from work or other activities if possible during this period of time.

Sleep Well at Night

 It is common for many people to experience a lulling effect after a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) session. TMS treatment has shown to be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. During the process, an electromagnetic pulse is sent through the brain which can cause drowsiness afterwards. That’s why it’s important to allow yourself to take a nap or get some extra sleep after your session as this can help you reap the full benefits of TMS treatment.

Getting enough restful sleep is essential for good mental and physical health. Not only does better quality sleep boost your mood and energy levels, but it also helps improve concentration and focus throughout the day. 

Drink Before your treatment

 Caffeine is a widely used stimulant found in many beverages and foods, including coffee, tea and chocolate. Studies have shown that it can be beneficial for people undergoing treatment such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). In fact, research suggests that caffeine consumption may help to enhance the effects of ECT by stimulating the brain’s electrical activity.

Recent studies have found that drinking caffeinated beverages prior to ECT may result in increased stimulation of the brain’s electrical activities during treatment. This can lead to better therapeutic outcomes, improved cognitive functioning and faster recovery times post-treatment. However, if you suffer from anxiety symptoms or any other psychological condition that could be triggered by caffeine consumption then it is important to consult your doctor before consuming caffeinated drinks while undergoing treatments such as ECT. 

Talk During Treatments

The brain is an amazing organ and its abilities to learn, retain information, and process it are unmatched. However, the best time for this processing to take place is when the stimulatory pulses of a treatment are running. During this time, your mind is at its peak for absorbing information and engaging in conversations with your doctor can help you get the most out of your treatment session.

Conversing with your physician during a treatment session can provide valuable insight into the therapeutic benefits it provides. Not only does it give you an understanding of what’s happening in your body but also helps build trust between patient and doctor. It also allows for questions about any side effects that may arise from treatments or medications used to be promptly addressed as soon as they occur instead of waiting until after the treatment has finished.