What Chatting Platforms With Strangers Actually Care About The Safety Of Their Users?

Chatting platforms offer a seamless way to communicate with your friends and family. The same platforms also make the process of meeting new strangers and communicating online easier.

Growing up most of us were told to be wary of strangers, but this line from a quote by Rita Gelman will make you see why as an adult talking to strangers is not a bad thing after all:

“If you don’t talk to strangers your life is so limited”

This, however, doesn’t mean you can talk to strangers without being careful. The bright side of talking to strangers is you can learn new ideas and end up being buddies with interesting people. As you engage with strangers, there is a need to practice digital safety. The responsibility of being safe online lies between you and the provider of the chatting app or platform such as Livebeam, for example.

We have looked online for 5 chatting platforms with strangers that actually care about the safety of their users and here is what we found:

  • Livebeam

If you are hearing about Livebeam for the first time, then you might as well want to try it out. 

But first, let’s look at ways in which Livebeam cares about its users’ safety:

  • Verifying users

Livebeam ensures that only real people join and use the platform. The platform has a dedicated team of professionals that screen all users to ensure that no fake profiles register on the platform. This is done to protect and provide users with the best possible experience. You trust that you will be engaging and sharing your thoughts and feelings with real humans and not bots, or time wasters.

  • Information safety

The personal details you share on Livebeam during sign-up are kept safe, and never shared with any third party without your consent. At Livebeam, they believe your profile details, email address, and other personal information should not get into the hands of the wrong people. So choosing to be on a chatting app that secures this information is essential.

On Livebeam the chats you are having can not be viewed by other unauthorized parties unless you share them yourself. They are also kept safe from hacker attacks.

  • Protection from cyber-bullying

Livebeam takes the safety of every user seriously, and any element of cyberbullying or abuse, if detected, is dealt with immediately. You can always report a profile or a user that appears to propagate abusive behaviors.

  • Telegram

This platform is also used by people to communicate. You can create channels and have other people join. It has different features, and it allows users to create groups and channels where they can share information. You need a telephone number to register on Telegram.

Like Livebeam, Telegram is a protected space. Users’ information is never shared by other parties, and messages are safe from hackers. 

  • Whatsapp

This app is commonly used for messaging and calls. You don’t get to meet many strangers here, but you can meet them on other platforms before moving over to Whatsapp. Like many other platforms, you can be assured that the messages you share with people are safe. The information you share on the platform is equally safe from hackers or scammers. You need a valid phone number to join this platform.

Facebook Messenger

You can use this platform for calls and text messaging. You can also use messenger if you already have a Facebook account. Users’ information on this platform is protected and screening is also done to weed out fake profiles. While on the platform just be careful not to click links from strangers, as hackers may use this method to steal your passwords and information.

If someone pretends to be you, Facebook has a reporting feature, you can use it to reveal that to the platform.

  • Viber

This is another chatting platform that you can use to chat with strangers. You can use Viber to share secret chats and messages with people across the world. You can create or join groups if allowed by admins. If a stranger or whoever you are talking to becomes abusive, you can always block or report them.

Be responsible for your digital safety!

Now that you know some of the chattings with strangers’ platforms to use, it is important to remember that you equally have a role to play if you want to stay safe online.

Avoid sharing personal information with people you don’t know too well. It is also important to set your goals and know what you intend to achieve by chatting with strangers. Some people’s main intentions of talking to strangers include making new acquaintances and learning something new, what’s your intention?

Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash