Do Parents Influence the Future of Their Children

When we become parent our responsibility become more. So future of our children also in our hands. Mostly people become irritated and not able to give parental care to kids effectively.

Facebook researchers mined data from 5.6 million users to measure patterns of social reproduction as they would exist today.

Social genetics: Facebook is full of incredibly useful and accurate data for measuring some major sociological theories.

How parenting blogs help you:

So parenting blog helps parents how they treat their kids and how to keep them protect and make them the talks only publish blogs that are written by experienced mothers and they share their experiences that helps you. So in short parental blogs helps you. In the talks blog site have everything that parents must know. There are tips for pregnancy, parental health and many more for your healthy parental life.

A very real social inequality

For example, the treatment of data by gender sometimes illustrates major differences, and shows the very real inequality between girls and boys in American society.

For example, a daughter whose mother works in the office or in administration will have a 20% chance of having a career close to that of her mother, while a son will replicate his father’s career much less.

Some social inequalities are also highlighted, so a son whose father works in the medical sector would be 4.6 times more likely to become a doctor than the rest of the population .

If the child here does not replicate the parental career, so we observe a certain socio-professional continuity.

Two cases among many others that allow us to go into the sometimes disturbing details that make up our societies through parenting blog. 

Identical professions in the siblings 

The researchers also established links between the professions exercised within the same siblings.

From twins to brother and sister, how similar are professional careers within a family?

Notice to lovers of graphs and data: the study of Facebook contains thousands of information, sometimes anecdotal, sometimes amazing.

Its exhaustiveness is allowed by its panel of more than five million people, a study of this magnitude is rare and precious.

These graphs ultimately trace many of the modern socio-economic realities, without painting a completely dark portrait like our social myths.

If mechanisms are obvious, in particular the average constant of 10% of replica of the parental career , one finds a rather heterogeneous company in which inequalities remain like irreducible statistical averages.


if you are parents and want help to understand your kids and also want to improve relationship with your children.  Sometimes due to busy schedules we can’t give full attention to children so parental blogs helps you to understand. If you are going to be parents in the talks blogs also helps you to how to care your unborn baby. And which steps you have to take for your unborn baby.