Who Can Build A Memory Palace?

Many are looking for a way to improve their memory because this can solve many problems. Many today have heard about the memory palace, but only some believe that this is a reality and not just fiction. Today we want to tell you in more detail what it is and how you can master it in everyday life.

What Is A Memory Palace?

Many today want to have halls of memory like those of Sherlock Holmes. The famous consulting detective amazes everyone with his intelligence and perfect memory, which he knows how to manage skillfully. Unfortunately, an ordinary person cannot control his memory (to decide on his own what information is worth sending to long-term memory, what is better to delete, and how unnecessary it is).

Many people think that the memory palace is just a work of art. However, practice shows this is an excellent way to improve your memory. For the first time, we meet this way to enhance memory back in ancient Greece. Then it was called the method of loci. It was widely used by thinkers who had to memorize large amounts of information.

During the Middle Ages, this method was wholly lost, and it only began to revive a few decades ago. However, a memory palace today is widely used by participants in memorization competitions. So, for example, two-time memorization champion Jonas von Essen created his system for mastering this technique and is ready to share it with everyone.

Today you can find many people who have been able to fully or partially master this technique, so there is no reason for you not to try it.

The memory palace technique involves building a mnemonic device inside your creation, which usually looks like a big house. Here you can store the information you need and delete everything you don’t need while cleaning. It is worth saying that this method of improving memory is quite challenging to understand and master, so do not think you can quickly achieve good results.

How To Master Memory Palace?

Building a memory palace is a rather complicated process requiring much effort. So, it would be best if you had the following:

  • Imagine a building that you know well (this could be your home or office);
  • Come up with information to remember (start with something simple, like a phone number or a short poem);
  • Put this information on the nightstand in the hallway or any other place;
  • The next time you return to this house inside your consciousness, you must remember the information you put there.

Do you think that you can get a good result the first time? Often this takes a lot of time. Your task is to establish a stable association between the information you need to remember and the subject in your mnemonic device.

To achieve this, you need to improve the state of memory and imagination constantly. Today there are many traditional exercises familiar to us from school, but you can achieve the best result using the memoryOS mobile application. It was based on the methodology developed by Jonas von Essen, so there is no point in doubting this effectiveness.

Among the main features of this mobile application are:

  • Straightforward and user-friendly interface;
  • Good results in all return groups;
  • Simple but very effective exercises;
  • Excellent graphics and 3D models.

The developers of this mobile application have tried to do everything so that you get the most out of your workouts. You can use this anytime, anywhere, but you’ll get the best results if you train in a quiet, undisturbed environment.

Usually, activities take about 20-30 minutes a day, but you mustn’t take breaks during the week. It can set you back a lot. To improve the result of training, you should review your diet and daily schedule. The state of memory is highly dependent on the functioning of the brain. So, you should include in the diet foods that will stimulate the brain and monitor sleep and physical activity. Please give up bad habits, start eating right, and exercise regularly.