What Exactly Is Modern Slavery in Australia?

When we hear about slavery, we instantly recall what our history books tell about the rampant slavery that happened a long time ago. But the truth is, slavery is happening up until today.

Modern slavery is what we call slavery in the current time. People of all ages and gender are becoming victims of modern slavery. Recent statistics recorded that about 40.3 million people worldwide are living in modern slavery. If it happens to them, it can happen to you, too. If it does, can you easily recognise it as modern slavery? What can you do about it?

The goal of this article is not to threaten you but to help you learn all about modern slavery, what it looks like and what actions you can do to fight it. 

What Is Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery is any act of severe human trafficking, control, abuse, exploitation and other slavery-like practises. Unlike slavery in the past where you have to be an actual slave to experience it, modern slavery comes in many forms victimising anyone. What’s worse is that it can happen and can stay hidden  anywhere, even in places you wouldn’t suspect, such as at the victim’s very own home. 

Below are the list of known forms of modern slavery.

  • Forced labour
  • Debt bondage
  • Human trafficking
  • Servitude
  • Slavery
  • Deceptive recruitment for labour or services
  • Forced marriage
  • Worst forms of child labours

Modern Slavery in Australia

The reality of modern slavery in Australia is no different than what it is globally. In numbers, over 1,900 people are victims of modern slavery in Australia. That is just one-fifth of the real number because only one out of five victims are being exposed as victims of modern slavery in Australia. The others remain hidden. Moreover, out of 1670 modern slavery cases filed to Australian Federal Police from 2004 to 2021, only 31 offenders were convicted.

Of the recorded modern slavery victims in Australia, the following percentage breakdown says which kinds of modern slavery are present in the country according to the 2021–2022 records of the Australian Federal Police.

  • 28% forced marriage
  • 18% sexual exploitation
  • 14% forced labour
  • 12% human trafficking
  • 7% trafficking in children

Who Are at Risk to Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery knows no age and gender. It targets vulnerable people, such as:

  • Children
  • Women
  • Migrants
  • Refugees
  • People with low visibility occupations
  • Workers with no legal protection
  • People seeking asylum

Why Does Modern Slavery Occur?

Modern slavery is simply the result of a number of reasons, issues and root causes that drive the victims to endure what they are experiencing and tolerate the offenders.

  • Poverty. We can’t deny the truth that poverty is the main cause of slavery. More than the lack of income, people who live in poverty also live with hunger, malnutrition and lack of education and other basic services. Their being marginalised and excluded from society make them susceptible to abuse.
  • Discrimination. People who are discriminated against by society are vulnerable to enslavement. They are the migrants, refugees, religious and ethnic minorities, women and children.
  • Armed conflict and civil disruption. The lives of people in a society where there is civil disruption or armed conflict are unstable and exploited and full of forced labourers.
  • Natural disasters. The occurrence of natural disasters makes the living conditions constantly changing. For people who cannot afford such changes, the only way to go is to get away from their situation fast. That makes them at risk of false offers that take them to dangerous and unfair occupations.
  • Lack or weak rule of law. Modern slavery occurs in a society that lacks law or actions against it. Or if they have, it has weak enforcement.

Modern Slavery Act

The Modern Slavery Act of Australia requires an entity, a group, organisation or institution based in Australia or those with an annual revenue of more than $100 million to submit a report on the risk of modern slavery in their fields and the actions to address these risks, every year. Other people who are based or running a business in Australia with lower revenue can report voluntarily.

The mandatory report should follow the following reporting criteria to be valid:

  • Personal information or the identity of the reporting entity
  • Detailed description of the reporting entity’s occupation, operation and field
  • Summary of the risks of modern slavery practices being reeported
  • Actions taken by the reporting entity to address the stated risks
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of the actions
  • Any consultation process taken by the reporting entity with other entities to issue a joint modern slavery statement
  • Other relevant information.

Individuals or non-corporate entities can report to the Australian Federal Police. It is the Commonwealth’s duty to submit a report on their behalf. The reporting criteria also applies for the Commonwealth.

The Minister takes the submitted reports to ghe Modern Slavery Statements Register, where the public can access all statements online for free.

How Do You Indentify Modern Slavery?

You may have seen modern slavery, and you just didn’t recognise it; therefore, you did not act against it. Here are some of the signs to look for in modern slavery:

  • Restricted freedom, such as confinement or monitored, controlled and guarded actions
  • Abusive workplace or living situation
  • Extreme intimidation and unnecessary threats
  • Confiscated travel documents
  • Threat or actual physical or sexual violence or both
  • Excessive work hours
  • Isolation (place or by language)
  • Underpayment of withholding payment
  • Debt bondage with labour as repayment
  • Invading privacy and personal space
  • No resignation rule from employment
  • Incomplete or vague work information and job description.

What to Do When Faced With Possible Slavery?

If you think you’re facing or have witnessed possible slavery, here’s what you can do:

  • If you have witnessed or know someone experiencing slavery, be careful with your actions. Do not disclose their identity and conditions without their consent.
  • Seek legal advice.
  • Report to Australian Federal Police.
  • In case of emergencies, immediate dangers or a child is involved, call emergency number Triple 0 (000).

Key Takeaway

Modern slavery is a fact, and it is happening all over the world, including Australia. In order for you to avoid modern slavery or to help someone you think is at risk, you have to know the signs of modern slavery, its forms and the key people and institutions to go.

Fighting modern slavery is fighting for freedom of your country and all the people living in it. Let slavery vanish and freedom reign.

Photo by Joey Csunyo on Unsplash