Simple Ways To Update Your Home Office

You’ve decided to revamp your home office in order to create a space that is both inspiring and calming, while keeping your focus on the task at hand. While there are many places to start, it’s important to remember that a tidy work space makes a tidy mind. From organising your desk drawers to choosing the right accent colours, here are five tips for to keep your home office in tip-top shape:

Declutter your desk, declutter your (work) life.

The first step in creating a home office that functions for you is to clean and organise the space. Cleaning your workspace isn’t just about removing dust – it’s about removing obstacles to productivity.

Clutter accumulates in offices for many reasons, but the most common reason is because people save every piece of paper that comes into their lives.If you have large stacks of papers on your desk or floor, go through them and throw away everything that isn’t essential and save items that are related to current projects or actionable items – things you must do soon. Discard everything else.

Remember the old saying: “A place for everything and everything in its place.” This maxim applies to desks as well as garages! Make an effort each day to keep your desk clear whenever possible; this will make it easier for you to find what you need at a moment’s notice and reduce the frustration associated with not being able to locate important documents, and office supplies when needed.

Style your desk with a few luxe touches.

Desk accessories can really help you focus, and even improve your mood. They’re also a great way to add some personality to your space. So go ahead and treat yourself to a few luxe touches, like a mouse pad that’s quirky and not just functional.

Another easy way to spice up your desk is with practical details that still feel special- like a lamp, for instance. Besides helping you focus on your computer screen, it adds textural contrast and adds some height. If you’re feeling daring, try incorporating another colour or two into the mix (perhaps with a vase or picture frame). And don’t forget about your sense of smell! Having fresh flowers within reach might be just what you need to keep your energy up throughout the day.

The bookcase is a good place to start!

You’re going to want your home office to reflect the style and personality of your personal taste. The best way to do this is through your bookcase. Put up photos or pieces of art that inspire you and make you feel positive when you see them. If you don’t like looking at family photos while working, put them in a frame with a lid that can be lifted and closed. This will also allow more space for your books and other treasures!

You can also use plants and books as decoration without taking up too much space. An oak shelf to store documents, supplies and other items is a great way to keep everything organised while still looking good.

If you have a large room but not much furniture yet, using the wooden shelf between spaces may be useful- just make sure there’s ample natural light coming in from all angles onto the desk so they don’t get too hot or cold throughout different seasons.

Have an accent colour or two, but choose wisely.

  • Choose a colour that you enjoy looking at. This means all the time, not just when it’s new and exciting.
  • Don’t choose a colour that will distract your eyes from the work you need to do (eg red, yellow).
  • Avoid colours that are known to be tiring on the eye (eg brown) if possible.
  • Consider choosing a bright colour to contrast with your neutral walls — this will draw attention to whatever item is in this colour. For example, a bright orange chair would look great against grey walls.
  • If you can’t bring yourself to choose such an intense colour, consider choosing a dark one like navy or black instead — these can be equally as striking while still being more muted.

Let the light in!

Lighting is a key part of home office decor. The more natural light you can get, the better your mood. Natural light will help you stay awake, alert and focused on what you’re doing. Where possible, position your desk so that you’re facing an open window while working. If this isn’t possible, use blinds or curtains to control the amount of light in the room so that it doesn’t feel dark and gloomy.

If natural lighting isn’t an option, choose artificial lighting that mimics daylight as closely as possible. This might be a fluorescent strip light on the underside of your desk or even a full-spectrum bulb. Avoid using regular bulbs where possible as they can cause eyestrain and stress over time.

Bring nature inside.

Studies show that an increase in greenery boosts both productivity and feelings of relaxation. Not only do plants help you focus, but they also help you breathe better by increasing oxygen levels and keeping the air clean. If you’re not keen on getting a full-blown garden or terrarium, start off with smaller plants like succulents to bring nature indoors. Another option is to get a plant that doesn’t require much maintenance like spider plants or ivy.

As you can see, a few easy changes can really transform your workspace into a place that’s inspiring and full of energy. 

Your productivity- and mood- will definitely be improved by these simple, and budget-friendly upgrades!