On The Day: Tips For Marathon Runners

You’ve done it – all the training, diets, commitments and missed social events and now the big day has arrived. No doubt the panic will have set in, and you’ll be feeling the pressure. This is completely normal, but there are some steps that can help to keep you calm before the race. This is what our article is going to focus on, so make sure that you stay tuned and absorb all our helpful information.

Be Breakfast Smart

The chances are you will have filled up on carbohydrates the night before to help provide you with energy. You should also take special care with your breakfast as this is going to be your fuel for race day. Now is not the time to change up your routine or introduce any new breakfast foods. This is because you don’t know how your body will react to a run following consumption. So, just make sure to stick to what you know best! Carbohydrates are a great idea to help give you the energy that you need for the long day ahead. Good choices include toast, porridge, bagels and more. Practice how different food makes you feel before race day, as then you can tailor your breakfast to your exact needs.

Maintain Your Hydration Levels

You will likely know all about the importance of hydration. Dehydration can cause a whole host of negative symptoms, such as headaches, a lack of concentration, feeling tired and dizzy and peeing less frequently. Not only are these symptoms bad for your overall health, but they can negatively impact your running performance. Thus, make sure that you have a couple of glasses of water on the morning of the race. This will help to lubricate your joints and muscles, as well as help you to feel energised. You could also enjoy a glass of fruit juice alongside your water. Make sure that you are organised and have bought a bottle prior to running the race. This will allow you to keep taking sips throughout the day.

Pack Snacks

It’s a good idea to buy some snacks that you can pack for the run. This will help to keep you fuelled throughout the race. It’s a good idea to focus on snacks that will help to replenish your carbohydrate levels to reduce the risk of fatigue. It is currently suggested that runners consume 30–60g of carbohydrates per hour. However, some people may need more than this and slower runners will need less. Make sure that you have this figured out before the morning of the race so that you feel prepared. Some good examples of snacks that you can pack include energy bars, dried plums and bananas.


This popular practice can be a great thing to do on the morning of your race. There’s evidence that meditation can help to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms and help you to feel calm and focused. There are also lots of different types of meditation, but all of them involve breathing and focusing your attention on something and eliminating your stream of thoughts. 

You can meditate by yourself, or you can take part in a guided meditation online – there are plenty to choose from. If you have used meditation during your training, then you will likely know that it can be calming and help you to sleep. Therefore, it can also be a good idea to meditate during the evening following the completion of your race.

Lean On Loved Ones

Chances are that you will have some friends, family, or even a running buddy coming with you to the race. Lean on them for support if you’re feeling nervous or anxious. No doubt they will be able to offer you some reassurance and calming words. Having loved ones accompany you to the race can also be a good idea for practical reasons. For example, you can leave your personal belongings with them, knowing that they will be safe. This means that you don’t have to run with your phone or snacks.

Try A Natural Supplement

Now, we aren’t saying that you should try a new supplement on the morning of the run! However, adding a natural supplement to your training routine might be a good idea. One popular all-natural supplement is CBD, which is short for cannabidiol. It is a cannabinoid that is obtained from the hemp plant. There are hundreds of other cannabinoids that make up the plant, as well as terpenes and flavonoids.

CBD products are made by extracting it from the plant and then diluting the CBD with a natural carrier oil. This substance can then be added to a range of products, such as oils,  creams, edibles and more! Therefore, you could eat a CBD-infused protein bar or some of Naturecan’s CBD gummies during the race. If you prefer to use CBD topically (rub into the skin), then you could use a muscle balm.

CBD is non-intoxicating, unlike the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabinoid. This means that CBD doesn’t affect your mental state. Instead, this compound can help to decrease anxiety and soothe tired muscles. There’s also nothing stopping you from using CBD during your recovery routine as well! Why not treat yourself to a warm relaxing bath that you have dissolved a CBD bath bomb in? It can help you to calm down and chill out, leading to a good night’s sleep. You will definitely deserve this after you’ve run a marathon!

Final Thoughts

That concludes our tips for marathon race day! Remember, you have already done all of the hard work and you’re more than ready for this. Make sure that you follow our tips to help keep yourself calm on race day – you can modify them so that they fit your needs. For example, consider what snacks will best fuel you and drink enough water to prevent you from feeling dehydrated. Finally, embrace the use of all-natural supplements (like CBD) to help support your overall well-being while you are putting your body through its paces. 

Good luck – we hope you smash your race goals!