Cardarine (GW 510156) SARM Review 2022 Dosage, Side Effects, Before and After

Are you thinking of consuming Cardarine (GW – 510156)? Then this article could be gold dust for you. In this review, we are going to elaborate on all the important information about Caradarine that is also known as GW – 510156 or Endurobol.

In the fitness world, Cardarine is very famous to achieve fast gains and massive results. This compound is mistakenly known as SARM, it is not exactly like this. So, read our complete article for more in- depth knowledge of this supplement.

What is Cardarine GW 501516 Used For?

Cardarine is also called GW – 501516 or Endurobol. It is characterized as a performance enhancer. The majority of people consider this product SARM but it is not true. Conversely, Cardarine is a PPARδ receptor (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor) agonist. It is developed by GlaxoSmithKline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals.

PPARδ is a collection of nuclear proteins. These proteins are found in muscles and fatty acids in the human body. Cardarine binds with these PPARδ nuclear proteins. According to cardarine’s advocates, these receptors start activated after binding. As a result, the body starts stimulating the fat burning process. It helps in increasing muscle endurance and aids in building lean muscle as well.

According to regular users, Cardarine gives positive effects on the vascular system in the human body. Cardarine is also stacked with SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) commonly. These stacks were popular among bodybuilders and athletes.

So, people’s question is, what is its use? How to consume? What are its benefits? Does it contain any side effects?

Let us look into these questions of this specific compound. This article will provide you with the answers to the above questions.

Click Here to Buy Cardarine GW 501516 from the Official Website

How Cardarine Works?

Cardarine GW 501516 was developed in a modern scientific laboratory. It is created by cutting edge technology, and a little jargon is needed to explain the mechanism of its effects.

There are many nuclear receptors present in our body. Their size is just a few molecules. These are responsible for sensing the individual molecules of anabolic steroids and other compounds. The biological functions trigger when a nuclear receptor touches certain compounds.

There is a class within the family of nuclear receptors called Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors or PPARs. Further, these receptors are divided between delta and beta groups (using the Greek letters, β or δ). Cardarine GW – 501516 was manufactured by two pharmaceutical companies to help fight diseases. It works through activating the PPAR-δ receptors in our body.

There are two separate functions of PPAR-δ in muscles and fat tissues. During exercise, fat burning and muscle fiber actions increase in muscle. PPAR-δ increases oxidation, adipose, and tissues in fat, which helps in burning fat as well.

What Does Cardarine Contain?

Cardarine GW 501516 is a synthetic substance. It is made of monocarboxylic acid. This is commonly known as Endurobol. It is one of the chemical members of the organofluorine compound. It is an orally active supplement. It is a synthetic composition, therefore you have to follow a proper workout routine. It will be digested properly if you intake these supplements with good exercise.

Personally speaking, it is good for anyone to stick with exercise and diet. If you follow these steps, while consuming Cardarine type supplements you will get the best results.

According to several experiments, proper use of Cardarine may have some anti-inflammatory effects.

 Click Here to Buy Cardarine GW 501516 from the Official Website

How Long Does Cardarine Stay In Your System?

Usually, Sarms stay in the body for a certain time. It flushes out from our system after a long period. Therefore, Cardarine has a half-life of just about 24 hours. It means that it stays approximately 24 hours in your system. Moreover, it might as well play its part in all functions.

In addition, any such powerful drug that works actively in your system may cause damage to vital organs. Although, these time limits and other features may vary from person to person. As a precaution, you have to get tested first if you want to know the exact half-life or other traits before consuming any Sarm.

What Does Cardarine Do To The Body?

Here are some of the results collected through different people. These are just probability and not 100 percent accurate results for everyone. So, let’s proceed:

  • Cardarine increases LDL cholesterol levels. It is beneficial in decreasing the risk of heart diseases.
  • The PPARδ receptor is activated. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing oxidative damages. It specifically prevents harm to blood vessels and tissues.
  • Cardarine contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent brain cells from oxidative stress. Furthermore, it decreases the problems of kidney inflammation.
  • It enhances the nitric oxide process in your arteries. Increasing levels of nitric oxide mean increasing vascularity and improving the healing process.
  • When vascularity levels increase, it stimulates the endurance level. This leads your body to perform prolonged workouts.
  • This product suppresses the glucose metabolism in the liver. Which helps in swapping the energy sources from glucose to fatty acids. Therefore, it increases the levels of fat burning and also prevents insulin resistance.
  • Somewhat Cardarine contains the ability to increase lean muscle mass but when it is stacked with SARMs, the results can be ameliorated.
  • Post cycle therapy is not required after the use of Cardarine. It is because of the fact that this product does not cause any reduction in the levels of testosterone. Cardarine could be used during PCT as well but after the Sarm cycle. It benefits in avoiding gaining body fat.

User’s Consumption Journey With Cardarine

Before Cardarine

One user is a regular gym-goer. He started workouts at twenty years of age. At the start, he believes in keeping everything neat and clean. He never goes with any supplement. He always used to eat home-cooked food and exercise with all his power. He maintains the nutritional level off-season.

Unfortunately, he never gets much success in his initial years. Moreover, he feels good about his physical health and appearance. But he didn’t get his dream physique and body.

After that, he started searching for various performance enhancer supplements. Finally one day he came to know about Cardarine. This product is one of the most talked-about drugs those days. Many bodybuilders claim it as the most powerful supplement. Then he decided to try this and experience the result.

After Cardarine

After Cardarine consumption, his initial few weeks went normal. In the fourth week, things started to change. He feels an increase in energy at a higher level. He was able to lift heavy weights and the number of reps also increased. It was his first experience feeling something like this.

Furthermore, his muscle growth is increasing day by day. Which makes him very excited. He continues the consumption cycle for eight weeks. Hence, his trainer advised him to stop the consumption post eight weeks.

Till then, he achieved a marvelous muscle mass. His weight lifting abilities improved drastically as well. He was really happy with the results. Subsequently, he continues consuming Cardarine GW – 501516.

Cardarine (GW-501516) Dosage (User’s Experience)

Now let’s talk about the consumption dosage of Cardarine. According to its users, it could be consumed 10 to 20 mg per day for six to eight weeks.

One user says that he consumed this supplement in powder form. He experiences that the powder form is the better way to use this supplement. Mix it with water and take sips of this liquid formula throughout the day.

This is the best way to use this as it does not lay additional stress on the body and essential organs. By consuming it all day, the body keeps on enjoying the push given by the same.

For new users, we recommend you to start the dosage with 5 mg to 10 mg. the reason is to prevent any kind of side effects. If it suits you then slowly increase the dosage after a month.

In addition, during the Cardarine cycle, your testosterone level is stable. Therefore, you do not require PCT (Post cycle therapy) either.

On the other hand, if you need optimum results, try to stack Cardarine with SARMs such as Rad 140, Ostarine, Andarine, or Ligandrol. It all depends on various circumstances.

Furthermore, if you just stay with Cardarine, you are able to notice an increase in stamina and metabolism. You feel extreme loads of energy in your body and you work out like a wild animal.

Is Cardarine Legal?

It is quite imperative to know the legal status before using any compound or drug. Cardarine or GW – 501516 is legal to use and buy all over the world as of June 2020 except for Australia. 

However, its legal status is a bit different in professional sports. It is essential to note that Cardarine is sold under the tag of “Researched material”. Often it is tagged as “Not for human consumption”. The reason behind the labels is that it is unapproved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for human consumption. Nevertheless, it has nothing to do with attaching the Cardarine legally.

According to the law of Australia, GW – 501516 It is considered being a schedule 9 drug by the TGA. It means that it is illegal to consume this supplement even with the doctor’s prescription. In contrast, SARMs and MK 677 are considered legal with doctor’s prescriptions in Australia.

However, if we talk about sports, Cardarine is known as a prohibited substance to consume for professional athletics by nearly all sports associations and leading bodies. Moreover, in the Olympic competitions, it is also not allowed to be used by any participants. The reason behind this was the disadvantage that can offer in terms of better endurance and endurance.

On the other hand, Cardarine is also put on the list of banned products by the ASADA (the Australian Anti-Doping Agency) and USADA (the United States Anti-Doping Agency).

What are the side effects of Cardarine?

Here are some potential side effects collected through Cardarine users:

  • Headaches– 

These are the most common side effects associated while consuming Cardarine. It is likely to occur if the user consumes a higher dose than suggested. Moreover, if the consumer is taking caffeine from other sources with the Cardarine cycle, the chances of headaches increases. Therefore, to avoid this problem, stop consuming caffeine and products that contain bergamottin. It helps prevent headaches.

  • Muscle cramps– 

Muscle cramps are another common side effect of Cardarine as well. This problem happens if the user takes the supplement recreationally rather than for performance improvement reasons.

  • Diarrhea– 

Diarrhea has also been reported by the users of Cardarine. It is another side effect that usually occurs when taken a higher dose of GW – 501516. This problem also happens if the user takes other drugs like ibuprofen or antibiotics with a Cardarine consumption cycle.  

  • Joint pain– 

Some people experience joint pains by using Cardarine. This makes the user feels very uncomfortable. Conversely, it is rarely severe enough to terminate the treatment. This pain typically gets away by continuous treatment within a few weeks.

  • Heart palpitations– 

Some users of Cardarine complain about experiencing heart palpitations. But there is nothing to worry about because it is not dangerous. It just makes you uncomfortable and it can go away over time if you use the drug continuously.

  • High blood pressure– 

Some people feel an increase in blood pressure with taking Cardarine. This could put further strain on the heart. If anyone already has high blood pressure problems or any other cardiovascular condition, talk to your doctor before consuming Cardarine.

What is the Safer Alternative To Cardarine (GW-501516)?

Cardarine GW – 501516 is one of the strongest supplements. It has been banned by many health authorities all over the world. At the same time, the FDA has clearly stated in a notice to one of the supplement brands that they have safety concerns when it comes to serums.

They clearly mention that Sarms could cause serious reactions. The reactions include liver toxicity and the chances increase in heart diseases. You can see the complete FDA notification here.

There are various complaints of people that they experience side effects by using Cardarine. However, there is one legal and safer formula that mimics Cardarine is known as Cardalean.

Moreover, there are several other legal steroids that could be easily used instead of Cardarine. Thus, Cardalean is the best option if you really want the same results as GW – 510516.

Cardalean contains 3 proven amino acids that help in burning fat, maintaining muscle mass and increasing vascular flow. It is also beneficial in pumping blood to your muscles during exercise. This will increase oxygen levels which aid in burning fat faster.

The ingredients used to create this formula are all safe and natural. It has no side effects like Cardarine. Overall six key ingredients are advantageous to burn fat, lose weight and keep your lean muscle.

Furthermore, brutal force offers a 100-day money-back guarantee as well. They also offer that if any customer did not feel a good result, he can get a refund as well.

The creators of Cardalean provide great discount offers for their customers and also provide free videos that give you information about bulking and cutting cycles.

Click Here to Buy Cardarine GW 501516 from the Official Website

It’s A Wrap

In the end, we would like to say that Cardarine is a compound that contains incredible benefits. On the other hand, there are still lots of concerns attached to this compound. Many people are scared of using Cardarine. The reason is its dirty side effects. Therefore, it is better for you to use legal alternative SARMs like Cardalean as this product comes with all benefits like Cardalean. Moreover, the best part is that it does not contain any side effects.