Testro X Reviews – Does It Really Work Or Just Scam?

The writing is on the wall. Men with higher testosterone levels lead better, more active lives without being burdened by a sluggish metabolism, depleting muscle tone, and low energy.

But, a decline in testosterone is a stark reality that cannot be avoided. While the body’s natural ability to produce testosterone declines steadily as we age, the pace at which this has been progressing is alarming.

That’s why there’s a million dollar industry for testosterone replacement therapy. But if you are not looking to pin holes in your body for the rest of your lifespan, you would want to naturally amplify testosterone.

That’s where a testosterone booster comes into the picture. These dietary supplements use a combination of natural ingredients to optimize hormonal function and increase the body’s natural ability to produce testosterone.

Rather than replacing testosterone with an exogenous, synthetic analog, you tap into your body’s own testosterone pool and stimulate it to release more tests.

A quick search on Google will reveal that there are hundreds of testosterone boosters, each one claiming to be the best. One of these is Testro X.

But, not all testosterone boosters are cut from the same cloth. The industry has acquired a dubious reputation off late. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the working behind each supplement and be selective when you shop. Today, we will shine some light on Testro X and show you whether it will indeed have a positive influence on your T levels.

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What does Testro X do?

Testro-X is a testosterone booster that claims to increase your natural testosterone levels without having any negative impact on other hormones, or on long term health.

Further, it claims that you will not only increase your serum testosterone, also called Total testosterone but also your free testosterone, which is the bioavailable testosterone.

The latter is crucial if you are looking to increase muscle mass, along with the other positive effects of test. But there are very few quality test boosters that really increase free T.

The question is, does Testro X really deliver on the claims? Or is it another hyped supplement with very little truth to the glossy Testro X reviews all over the internet?

Testro X: Pro’s & Con’s of this Test Booster

There are a few things about Testro-X that are noteworthy, while there are a few that are red flags for us. Let us walk you through the pros and cons.


Does not use a proprietary blend

We like the fact that Testro X is transparent about the ingredients and shares the exact concentrations of each ingredient on the product label. So you know the exact concentration of a vitamin or amino acid, which gives you a great idea of how effective it will be.

Reputed Brand

Testro X is manufactured by Truth Nutraceuticals, the parent company that owns Umzu. It’s a trusted brand that does not resort to shady business practices.

Reasonably good ingredient list

We will talk about the ingredient list in detail. But we like the fact that some of those ingredients are backed by scientific studies to boost hormonal function, as well as offer other benefits. For instance, there are ingredients that promote deeper sleep. Quality sleep is crucial for hormonal function.

Along with more testosterone, you will also experience an increase in your levels of HGH, with deeper sleep.


Reviews are dicey

We review health supplements for a living and we can spot fake reviews a mile away. If you log on to the Testro X product page, you will find around 2700 Testro X reviews. Some of them make unbelievable claims.

For instance, there’s one that says that taking Testro X helped increase their testosterone level to an extent that doctors suspected that the person was on steroids. There’s another that reads that their partner likes it that they are stiff like a 20-year old.

Filler Ingredients

We hate the use of unproven ingredients as much as we like the use of scientifically-backed ones. There are some ingredients in X Testro that are unproven or has insufficient evidence to support their use for increasing low testosterone. A case in point is Forskohlii root extract, which has only one clinical study backing it.

That’s not conclusive.

Inadequate concentrations of essential ingredients

Some of the ingredients in Testro X are promising indeed. Like KSM-66 Ashwagandha root extract and Zinc. There’s only 15 mg of Zinc, which in all probability will do little to increase test.

Most men take 25 mg to 50 mg of Zinc for low testosterone.

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Testro X Ingredients

That brings us to the big question. What are the ingredients in Testro X and how effective are they at increasing testosterone? Let’s find out.

Magnesium – Magnesium plays an important role in a plethora of biological functions. In terms of men’s health, it has the potential to lower levels of SHBG, which will free up testosterone, making it bioavailable. But 150 mg is clearly not enough.

Zinc – Zinc or Zinc Gluconate is another vital mineral that most men are deficient in. However, 25-50mg is the ideal dose.

Glycine – This Soybean extract is known to stimulate the release of Growth Hormone. But at 12 grams. You get just 200 mg in Testro X.

KSM-66 – This is a potent nootropic that will help reduce anxiety, has potent calming effects, and also help optimize sleep. Being an adaptogen, it will also reduce stress levels, by lowering cortisol levels. Possibly even with a sex drive. But 800-1000 mg is the minimum dose.

Amino Acids – L-Theanine and L-Leucine are welcome additions. They will help with blood flow, cognitive performance, immune system, protein synthesis, gut health, and increased energy.

Boron – Boron or Boron Citrate is one of the vital minerals for testosterone, as well as a bevy of other positive health effects.

While some of the ingredients in Testro X are beneficial, the dosages are a letdown. Others have little role to play in Testosterone stimulation or male hormonal optimization.

What Are The Testro X Side Effects?

The TestroX ingredient list looks reasonably safe. There are herbs that are not known to trigger allergies. There’s an essential mineral or two, like Zinc and Boron. There is amino too.

So, we don’t think you have to worry about side effects while you take Testro X. What you should be bothered about though, is whether or not Testro X will have any effect on your t levels.

Testro X FAQ

  1. Is Testro-X dairy-free?
  2. Yes, it is. It does not contain any dairy-based ingredients.
  3. Can I take Testro-X with medication?
  4. We recommend that you speak to your health care provider before using Testro X, if you have pre-existing medical conditions that require medication.
  5. Is Testro X safe?
  6. There’s nothing in the ingredient list that indicates that Testro X is unsafe. That said, if you have pre-existing medical conditions, speak to your healthcare provider before using it.

Final Verdict – Will TestroX help increase Testosterone levels?

We don’t think so. While it does have some beneficial ingredients, they are let down by poor concentrations. Also, it lacks some of the more critical ingredients that are considered the gold standard for a natural testosterone booster.

Testro X Alternative to Naturally Boost Testosterone

If you are looking to boost T levels, you need a well-rounded Testosterone booster that contains ingredients that stimulate the release of more test through the LH pathway.

You need something that contains amino acids that allow accelerated muscle repair and muscle gain. Something that supports muscle growth, strength, and energy levels, all of which are closely connected to free testosterone.

We have just the supplement for you.

#TestogenThe Best Supplement for Testosterone Production

Testogen is an internationally acclaimed natural testosterone booster that ticks all of the boxes that we just mentioned.

It helps increase Free Testosterone, it contains a potent amino acid that will support your muscle mass gains, and most importantly, the right blend and concentration of ingredients to boost T levels.

It is no wonder, that Testogen has replaced Exogenous synthetic testosterone, as the go-to choice for thousands of hypogonadal men.

We are sure that you are eager to know how Testogen differs from run-of-the-mill dietary supplements like Testro X. Here you go.

Why Testogen is the perfect supplement to boost muscle mass?

It’s a scientifically proven fact that Test and other androgens are vital for performance enhancement, particularly muscle growth.

But most people do not understand how Test affects muscle growth in the human body and what kind of natural supplement can produce those exact results.

Here’s why Testogen is the best choice for that, as compared to X Testro.

It uses the LH Pathway to boost testosterone production

To stimulate the release of the endogenous test, you need a proven natural ingredient that stimulates the release of Luteinizing Hormone. Testogen contains 2352 mg of D Aspartic Acid, a proven amino acid that produces a significant increase in LH levels. When your body has more LH, you automatically have more testosterone. This alters things at a cellular level. The repair and renewal process is amplified. Your body can create proteins needed for quick muscle tissue generation.

Cell division takes place at a much quicker rate. Some people even notice a difference in their muscle quality in the first week of taking Testogen. Also, this is one of the high doses of DAA that we have ever seen in a testosterone booster.

The Total Testosterone Stack

Testogen contains a blend of four ingredients that are vital for testosterone production. We call this the Total test stack. The moment we find these ingredients missing in a supplement, we consider it a red flag.

The ingredients are Zinc, Vitamin D3, Boron & Vitamin K1. The presence of these four indicates that Testogen is the best choice for anyone looking to naturally increase testosterone production.

All Health Benefits Connected to Testosterone Levels

With Testogen, you get all the health benefits associated with high testosterone levels. You will notice a marked improvement in the rate of muscle growth. Men who have gained the dreaded, middle-age, dad-bod, will observe weight loss, particularly from the belly area.

More androgens will help your body absorb nutrients better, which means that you will make gains even if your diet is not up to the mark.

What are the ingredients in Testogen

It is important to know each and every ingredient in any supplement. Not just a testosterone boosting one. So, here’s the Testogen ingredient list decoded for you.

  • DAA – 2352 mg
  • Fenugreek Extract – 40 mg
  • Zinc – 10 mg
  • Vitamin D3 – 50 mcg
  • Korean Red Ginseng – 40 mg
  • Boron – 8 mg
  • Nettle Leaf Extract – 40 mg
  • Magnesium – 200 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 20 MG
  • Vitamin K1 – 20 mcg
  • Bioperine – 5 mg

There is some potent testosterone booster there. But it’s not all herbs and amino acids that increase total testosterone. The formula addresses different aspects of T boosting, which is missing when you are taking Testro X.

For instance, DAA works to increase free T, while magnesium will reduce SHBG. The combo will skyrocket your free T levels, which is lacking in Testro X.

Zinc, Boron, K1 & D3 fill in the gaps if your low T levels are because of any of these deficiencies. Believe it or not, most of the time, it’s one of these. Some of these ingredients are also muscle relaxers. So, if you work out, you will experience a quicker recovery.

The Vitamins ensure that you have stable energy levels as well as deal with fat loss and metabolism levels in general. If only, it contained some amino acids like L theanine, it would have been icing on the cake. L-Theanine is a great natural ingredient. But that’s a minor quibble.

Why we highly recommend Testogen?

Here’s a summary of what we have covered so far, and some more reasons why we highly recommend Testogen.

  1. Potent blend of 11 Ingredients that deliver a whopping 3.5 grams in a single dose.
  2. Well rounded ingredient list that will offer tons of other benefits too.
  3. Quick acting formula. No need to wait for a few months to notice results.
  4. Marked increase in quality of erections. Most men get stronger erections combined with more stamina during sexual intercourse.
  5. Works by eliminating the root cause of poor sexual health. Not mere symptomatic relief.
  6. Increases free testosterone, which will help with fat loss as well as muscle gain.
  7. More Ingredients, more concentrated dose as compared to Testro X.
  8. Better reviews as compared to Testro X. Also, Testogen does not make outrageous claims like Testro X.

Testogen vs. Testro X – Final Thoughts

Testogen is a far more superior T booster than Testro X. Testro X does offer some mild benefits. But at the price, it’s not worth it. You get a more potent product with Testogen at nearly the same price.

You will have more T, more muscle will experience weight loss, and have the best sex of your life. Hard to beat that combo. Try Testogen today!

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