The Innovations Which Are Changing the Gambling Industry

In 2022, gambling is big business all over the world, with an estimated total industry worth of around $700 billion. From this, the casino sector makes up approximately $120 billion, with online gambling close to $70 billion.

These are phenomenal figures, and the sector only expects more growth, as does every successful industry. The difference is the scale of that growth – global gambling is anticipated to be worth nearly $900 billion by 2026. The percentage of this industry which is online has grown dramatically over the past decade. The expectation is that this will continue to be the case, with new innovations driving bigger successes and wider markets.

The innovation of simply moving casino gameplay online has created a huge new appetite for the product. The ability for anybody to play, in comfort, has made casino gaming more attractive and inclusive than it has ever been.

Being online has been a huge boost for casino and other games, but that doesn’t mean the innovation has stopped. So, what are the innovations which are changing the gambling industry today?


Increased variety and choice have been a huge part of the success of online gaming, and this continues to grow almost daily. Innovations in gameplay, software, music, graphics, style, and theme are made by providers continuously.

New, inventive, and topical casino games are constantly being added to online casino sites. As sound and graphics technologies improve on traditional devices and in the VR world, the options for this only increase.

These can be anything from featuring the latest chart hits to fully themed games such as the Frankie Dettori slot. Link ups with the latest movie, world event, or even targeted local themes are all possible with today’s technology.

Gambling Industry

Mobile technology

Bringing casino into the home was one thing but putting it into people’s pockets has been a revolution. Without the need to be in a dedicated location, playing online casino has become infinitely more flexible and attractive.

Smartphones mean that, in just a few swipes, players can be enjoying casino games anywhere, anytime. This can mean micro sessions on work breaks or passing several hours on a long journey.

Apps and registrations have allowed for seamless transitioning between desktops, laptops, tablets, and phones. From a home PC to a phone on a bus to a laptop in a hotel, you can continue playing.

Live dealers

Perhaps the main criticism of online gambling, casino in particular, is the loss of the live atmosphere and social interaction. The convenience of online is incredible, but if the experience is diminished it may turn some people off.

The improvement of connection speeds and streaming software has helped bring players the best of both worlds. Live-streamed dealers now allow players to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a live casino wherever they are.

By combining this with chat functions, either text or voice-based, the social side of casino can still be experienced. The best part is that you have the choice: if you do not wish to interact, simply switch it off.

Gambling Industry

Virtual reality

In addition to live streaming and social connections, innovations in virtual reality mean players are no longer tied to screens. Using VR, it is now possible to step into a full 3D virtual casino almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

Theoretically, players can experience what it is like to be in any casino in the world without leaving their home. They can play alongside friends from whom they are physically apart, strangers, or even celebrities if a game offers this.

Virtual reality doesn’t have to reflect real-life either and the possibilities are endless. Imagine playing casino in space, or under water, or against the cast of Lord of the Rings?

Artificial intelligence

Ok, so this innovation might not seem as exciting as playing blackjack against Gandalf, but it is still important. AI technology is perhaps the most significant innovation of the 21st Century in all aspects of our lives.

In casino, it allows online games to learn and react in real-time to the preferences and behaviors of players. This means gameplay can be constantly improved and tailored towards individual gamers and their needs.

It also allows the software to replicate the behaviors of digital opponents and dealers more accurately. If live games are not available to offer a social experience, digital substitutes can now provide a much closer alternative.

Gambling Industry

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies

The huge financial innovations of blockchain and cryptocurrencies offer significant advancements in online payment security and flexibility. Safe, quick, and novel payment experiences outside the traditional banking system are a huge appeal to many.

Customer service

Innovations aren’t all about gameplay; some are about getting the aspects around this correct, such as improved customer service. New technology means a 9 am to 5 pm call center is no longer the only way to support customers.

24/7 online chat, message boards, email enquiries, and even intelligent virtual assistance are all now offered by many providers. No matter what time, where, or how a customer is playing, there is no reason they cannot get instant help.

These are just some of the innovations expected to lead the gambling industry towards that $900 billion worth, and beyond. All the latest news is about the continued improvement and wider appeal of products such as online casino.

For more than a decade, the gambling and online gaming industries have been amongst the most exciting in the world. As new innovations continue to change and develop every part of these industries, particularly online, that can only continue.