5 Reasons to Prioritize Good Sleep

Sleep for most people is a peripheral activity that they have to do and would avoid if they could. The proof is in the statement, ‘I will sleep when I die.’ Sleep is essential, and getting seven to nine hours of sleep will benefit your life in many ways. 

If you are not getting enough sleep, you should evaluate your life and see what you can cut out to get more sleep. The following are reasons why you should prioritize good sleep: 

Better Cognitive Function and Memory

Though most people ignore sleep for work or other purposes, sleep is necessary for a healthy brain. One of the reasons you should prioritize sleep is because it will lead to better cognitive function. You will be able to make better decisions in shorter times, have excellent reasoning and handle complex mental problems. 

Good sleep will also lead to better memory which is fantastic for various reasons. When you get adequate sleep, you can recall whatever you want whenever you need it, which might be essential for work, school, or even casual conversation.

Tips for Less Stress and Better Sleep

We all want to lead happier and healthy lives, and sleep is a crucial way to achieve that. Sleep is particularly great for dealing with stress which makes life miserable. Cortisol is a hormone known as the stress hormone because it is responsible for the stress response. 

Though it could serve you well in hazardous situations, it is terrible for sleep. Cortisol and sleep are closely linked, and the less sleep you have, the more cortisol your body produces, and hence you have more stress. 

Tips to help you have less stress and better sleep include practicing relaxation activities before bedtime, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. You may also try connecting with a loved one or listening to relaxing music, or even taking something like this sleep supplement to ensure you are calm when you have to go to bed.

Better Immunity

The Coronavirus pandemic showed us how crucial natural immunity is for health and even survival. A fundamental reason not to put sleep on the backburner is its benefit to your immune system. It is one of the wonders of a good night’s sleep

When you have quality sleep, your body produces the antibodies necessary for fighting pathogens in the body and preventing disease. Sleep also affects how your body responds to vaccines as vaccines work better when you get good sleep and vice versa. Your health is the most valuable asset you have, and great sleep is the key to unlocking that fortune. 

Increased Focus and Productivity

If you have gone to work after a night of poor sleep, you know how detrimental it can be to your productivity. You cannot focus on tasks and are easily distracted or keep falling asleep. The work that usually takes an hour can take you twice or thrice as long. 

You cannot do your job well, and it will be full of mistakes. Having to keep doing the work repeatedly can be very detrimental to your productivity. 

Better Athletic Performance

Part of prioritizing your health is being in good physical shape. Getting in shape involves performing athletic activities, and sleep can help with that tremendously. The body recovers when you sleep, and therefore, it enhances your metabolic functions to ensure they are optimal, which translates to much better athletic performance. 

Better sleep also means less injury, negatively affecting your athletic performance and health. Good sleep is especially vital for athletes who need to perform at a high level. Try working out after a bad night’s rest and see how you perform. 

Sleep is not an activity you have to do, so you do not die. It is integral to the proper functioning of a human being, and you should prioritize it. The above are a few reasons why you should prioritize sleep. Improve your sleep and see how it transforms your entire life.

Featured Image Credit: Claudio Scott on Pixabay