Why Premium Glass Bongs are the Best Way to Smoke Cannabis

Bongs are one of the most traditional forms of consuming cannabis and these devices are easily accessible everywhere. In terms of quality, bongs have progressed. If you ever find yourself out bong shopping, you will notice that there are many cheap bongs out there, however, it is recommended that you spend a little extra money on quality when purchasing a bong. The reason for this is because high quality or premium bongs such as those Molino Glass sells, have many benefits so keep reading as we unpack a list of these benefits that you should keep in mind the next time you find yourself shopping for a new bong. We’ll touch on everything from convenience, durability, water filtration and the environment so keep on reading.

They are Easy to Use

Bongs are quite convenient and anyone can quickly learn to use them because they are beginner-friendly and easy to use with a little bit of guidance from someone more experienced. Premium bongs are even easier to use and are designed with specific features such as indents on the glass which provides consumers with better handling. Premium bongs are designed and made with the convenience of the consumer in mind which makes these devices a great investment because your smoking sessions will be smooth and easy with no hassle or inconveniences. The indents also give you a better grip which helps you avoid dropping the bong.

They Provide a Cleaner Experience

Smoking with a simple and inexpensive bong can be too harsh on your lungs which makes for an experience that is not pleasurable and you are also left with a sore and scratchy throat which is unpleasant. This is why you will want to invest in a bong with a heftier price tag and premium quality because these bongs will provide you with better water filtration. For example, a percolator bong provides advanced filtration which results in an experience with a much smoother hit. The water will work to filter out all the resin as well as all carcinogens that come as a result of combustion. These bongs break the smoke into much smaller bubbles which allows it to then cool further which gives the consumer a smoother hit every time. This results in a more enjoyable experience and a throat that is not left feeling sore and scratchy.

They are Eco-Friendly

Cheaper bongs tend to break a lot easier which means that you will be stuck in a tedious cycle of breaking and replacing your bong every single time. This becomes wasteful and you end up engaging in unnecessary consumption which can be avoided if you just invest in a premium glass bong. These bongs are durable and long-lasting so you won’t have to constantly buy a new bong. This is an investment for you because you save money in the long run and it also serves as an opportunity to lessen your waste and consumption which benefits Nature. 

They are Durable

Premium bongs are known for their durability which makes them last much longer than cheaper bongs do. The secret to this durability lies in the fact that premium bongs are made with a more supreme glass quality that ensures they will last longer. Top-quality bongs use lab-grade borosilicate glass which is known to be much stronger and therefore much more durable than regular glass. The general rule of thumb is that heavy bongs have a sense of quality to them which works best for most people because you won’t be anxious and afraid of your bong breaking during a smoking session or when it’s time to clean your bong. Any stoner will tell you not to compromise on the quality of the bong that you buy. Bongs come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and materials however if you want to invest in a top-quality bong, you should look for ones made from borosilicate glass which is thicker and more durable. Premium bongs also provide better water filtration which ensures that you experience clean and smooth hits every single time. Additionally, you will be doing a service to the environment if you invest in a good bong because you won’t be stuck running to the store regularly to buy a new bong because the old one broke, again.