8 Successful Green Marketing Examples & Strategies

There is no doubt that climate change has become a major concern to people all over the world. In the business world, corporations everywhere are looking to implement change by using green marketing. What is green marketing? Well, green marketing refers to strategies using sustainable practices that improve the environment.

In this article, we will review the top 8 green marketing examples and strategies eco-friendly businesses worldwide implement today. This includes green marketing campaigns, environmental sustainability efforts, and much more. If you want to know how to change yourself, keep reading below.

Why Is Green Marketing so Important?

Environmental health and sustainability should be at the top of everyone’s list when it comes to running a business and everyday life. Green marketing has many ecological benefits, and it’s a small step to take when ensuring the planet’s health for future generations.

The green marketing initiative aims to implement sustainable practices for a more eco-friendly world. Below, we will list the top 8 green marketing examples and strategies that some of the top companies in the world are using today.

1. Use Sustainable Materials

Adapting sustainable sourcing and supply chain practices is the first of many eco-friendly practices on this list. Depending on your business or corporation, you could find ways to use sustainable materials in the products you create or sell.

A great example of a company known for being environmentally friendly is the Body Shop. Their packaging is made from earth-friendly materials and is 100% recyclable. They also maintain sustainable agriculture practices by sourcing ingredients from local farmers.

Another great example is IKEA, the giant Swedish furniture brand that uses recycled wood to make their furniture. For example, if you own a clothing brand, you could look into using sustainable cotton or recycled materials to cut down on waste. Offering consumers the ability to purchase green products increases sustainability efforts and makes a massive difference to the planet.

2. Green Packaging and Shipping Methods

Another great way to reduce waste and be eco-friendly is by using green packaging. Just like we mentioned before with the body shop, their packaging is recyclable and environmentally friendly. It’s pretty easy nowadays to find a supply chain that can provide your business with all its packaging needs.

Reducing plastic waste is an easy option if you want to expand sustainable practices within your business or company. It’s a small step in green marketing practices, but makes a huge difference to our planet.

3. Use a Green Marketing Strategy

Gone are the days of fliers and posters that people used to put up to advertise their businesses, as green marketing campaigns and strategies have taken over. A tremendous green marketing example is the use of social media. Like any intelligent brand or company, building a solid social media presence is crucial to spreading your green marketing campaign.

In recent years, one of the newest marketing strategies is buying social media services from Views4You. A service provider that can boost your online presence on Instagram or other platforms to make marketing efforts way easier. Building a bigger audience is crucial for making a green marketing strategy work. You can’t spread a message when you don’t have any fans.

4. Keep Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down

When it comes to integrating environmentally friendly practices into your business, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is something you should keep in mind. Fossil fuels have wreaked havoc on the environment. Hence, finding ways to reduce your carbon footprint is part of your environmental responsibility and is vital for everyone on the planet to do as well.

One way businesses have started becoming more conscious about their carbon emissions is by funding employees and helping them get to work in an eco-friendly way. One way could be providing employees with electronic scooters or cars; another could supply public transport passes.

5. Choose Renewable Energy Sources

Why not switch to a renewable energy source for energy consumption? This is a perfect option if you have a factory or company that uses a lot of energy during manufacturing, as it can also cut costs. Switching to solar panels is a great way to show that your business is environmentally conscious.

While they are a bit of an investment in the beginning, they can save your business a lot of money over time. You can also find eco-friendly panels made from environmentally friendly materials. Solar panels and other renewable sources are at the top of the list regarding green initiatives.

6. Make Donations

You must lead by example if you want to show the world that you care not only about your own impact but also about environmental trends. Donating to charities and causes that help eliminate ecological waste is a great way to do this.

An excellent place to start could be a vegan society that wants to reduce greenhouse gasses from the food industry. Another example could be donating food to cut down on food waste. The World Wildlife Fund also does excellent work and teaches environmentally friendly practices. The Common Threads recycling program also turns thrown-away clothes into something new.

If you want to set a good example of green business practice, staying up to date with environmental initiatives and donating could be the place to start.

7. Partner With the Right Brands

Partnering with brands with the same green marketing campaigns could be a great way to build environmental awareness. Take Timberland, for example; its strategic partnerships have boosted the company’s green image in a lot of ways.

They always ensure that whoever they partner with contributes to green efforts, is eco-friendly, and shares similar business operations. Now, they are a huge brand, and maybe your company is a little smaller; even so, partnering with local green companies could be a great way to spread the word about the green movement and how your company’s operations are helping the planet.

8. Stay True to Your Message

It’s one thing to spread the green message to the world; it’s another to stay true to sustainable business practices. Being environmentally conscious, creating eco-friendly products, and proving to the world that you are ecologically friendly takes time and courage.

Green marketing is just one small step a business can make to ensure that we all have a sustainable future. Staying true to your message sets an example and shows people that a natural world and a greener future are somewhere on the horizon. It is so easy to damage your brand or company’s name by lying to the public about how sustainable you are. Many brands have done this in the past, but the truth always comes out.


Which brands show the most environmental stewardship, and how have their green marketing initiatives improved the planet?

Some of the biggest brands that have had the most environmental impact are IKEA, Nike, and Panasonic. We highly suggest looking up their green marketing example and how and when they started integrating it into their brand image. All these companies were not great sustainable brands at one time, but slowly, they changed their image. Most of their packaging is recycled, and they have made great efforts to make sourcing their materials more sustainable and eco-friendly.

How can I use these green marketing examples and environmentally friendly practices daily?

Spreading the word about environmentally friendly practices will have the most significant impact on the world—the more people know about renewable energy and its sustainable benefits, the better. Clothing seems to be one of the world’s biggest polluters today; donating clothing and repurposing it is a great way to start. Buy products that have green labels from trusted brands using recycled materials. There are so many ways you can reduce waste and save our planet one good deed at a time.