8 strategies to get your toddler to have a good night’s sleep

The toddler phase of your child’s life is a wonderful time for you. Isn’t it? It is full of achievements and surprises. It is when your child starts to walk, talk, and throw severe tantrums. And you can handle all of these. However, a toddler who is not sleeping well is bad. Sleep is essential, and a new mom knows it better than most. Without proper sleep, you become cranky and have so many health issues. Toddlers do not have to sleep all day but need 11 to 14 hours a day. So, if they do not sleep well at night or for only a few hours, it affects their health. You will find them cranky the next day. Or refusing to eat, fussy, and the tantrums will be worse. The reasons why they are not sleeping well can be many. Maybe they are teething, have colic, or sometimes do not sleep well. In any case, the next day can be challenging for both you and the child. Therefore, creating a strategy to help them sleep is necessary. A routine where they sleep every day at the same time and follow the same activities can help. The blog discusses a few other things to try, too, below.

Have a routine and stick to it.

It is of the utmost importance that you set a routine for your toddler. He or she should have a regular bedtime, and you must be consistent about ensuring they sleep at that time. The benefit of a regular bedtime for toddlers is the same as for adults. It allows them to get sufficient sleep and not wake up with exhaustion, clinginess, or irritability. To set a routine, you must do more than send them to sleep simultaneously every day. For instance, you should set aside an hour or so every night before bed for calm activities. These can include listening to music, reading a book, and showering or bathing. Even going for a walk helps. Choose an activity that helps them get calm and is also fun. The last few minutes of the activities should happen in the room where they sleep. It will allow them to get into bed awake and go to sleep by themselves. You can sit or lay with them and read them stories to help them sleep.

Tune in to your child.

To ensure your child has the best sleep, you need to pay attention to them. Find out the things that calm them down, help them unwind, and help them sleep. For instance, it can be having a bottle of milk or a little snack in bed before sleeping. Or it might be sleeping with their favorite plushie. If they sleep well with a plushie or two, let them. A comfortable sleep is necessary, and these things help a toddler achieve that. Discover cute plush collections for your toddler, who loves sleeping with them.

Set up a wake-up time.

Having a consistent wake-up time for your child is necessary. You can set up a wake-up time depending on your child’s sleep needs. If they don’t nap often during the day, they should get at least 11–14 hours at night. Sleeping for 8–10 hours at night is perfect if they nap. Creating a wake-up time also allows you to prepare them for school. Ensure that you keep this schedule consistent. Don’t allow the child to sleep more on the weekend or vacation. It will disrupt their schedule.

Say no to screen time at least two hours before bedtime.

You sleep well when melatonin levels are at their highest. It means you are asleep, and it is the best time to go to bed. However, if you start watching TV or a screen during that time, the blue light from it will interfere with the production of this hormone. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage the child to stop watching TV, using screens, or playing video games two hours before sleeping. Instead of allowing them to fall asleep to the low volume of TV, try reading a book. Moreover, lead by example; don’t use your phone or any screen when getting them ready for bed.

Involve them in the process of sleeping.

The routine of picking night suits, bathing, and reading a book helps the child sleep properly. To enhance it more, involve the kids in the process, too. Even toddlers have opinions, and they will only increase as they grow up. So, let them pick the clothes they want to wear or the book they want to read.

Take help from the sleep fairy.

Sleep fairy is a method for helping imaginative children go to sleep and wake up by themselves. Tell your child that if they sleep on time and wake up on time by themselves, they will get a quarter from the sleep fairy. Keep a jar in their room and keep adding the quarter every morning. It will take time. Eventually, their sleep patterns will become regular. At the end of every month, use the quarters to buy them a gift or take them to the park.

Make them feel safe in bed.

Many toddlers feel scared to sleep at night due to the darkness or being alone. To ensure this doesn’t happen, you can take a few steps. For instance, reduce their exposure to scary movies or TV shows if they are afraid of the dark. Use a nightlight or bulb to help them sleep. You can stay with the toddler for a few nights until they fall asleep. Using a plushie or teddy that they can cuddle and sleep with can help, too. Also, reward or praise them when they sleep through the night without worrying about the monsters in their bed.

Ensure they eat right.

A toddler who doesn’t eat well or eats late will either feel uncomfortable or hungry at bedtime. So ensure they eat at a regular time, well before bedtime.

Sleep is essential, especially for a toddler who is growing up fast. For better development, they need proper sleep. Use these tips to allow them to sleep through the night.