6 Vital Steps to Take if You’re Involved in an Accident with a Big Rig Truck

Sharing the road with big rigs can be a scary experience, especially for new drivers. According to the NHTSA, truck accidents resulted in more than 4,000 fatalities and over 146,000 injuries in 2020. 

With the growing number of trucks on the road, it is essential to know what to do if you’re involved in an accident with a big rig. While taking the right steps may not undo the damages, it can help you recover quickly from the injuries and maximize your chances of receiving compensation. 

Here are six vital steps you should take if you are involved in a big rig truck accident. 

1. Call 911

The first thing you should do if you’ve been in an accident with a big truck is to call 911 immediately. 911 operators will dispatch emergency crews, such as police officers and paramedics, to the accident scene. 

When the police arrive, they will document the accident and write a report about the events that happened. Ideally, a police report will include statements from you and the truck driver, contact information for both parties, and a sketch of the accident scene. The details in a police report will be helpful if you decide to pursue compensation after the accident. 

2. Seek Medical Attention

Due to their massive size, big rig trucks can cause severe injuries to their accident victims. That’s why you should seek medical attention immediately after an accident with an 18-wheeler. 

A medical evaluation will help you determine the extent of your injuries so your doctor can offer the most appropriate treatment. Additionally, the medical records you obtain may come in handy if you decide to pursue compensation. 

3. Gather Evidence

When pursuing compensation, you may need to prove who was at fault for the road accident. So, you should gather as much evidence as possible to back your claim. If you are too injured to collect details of the accident scene, request help from someone else, such as a witness. 

Crucial evidence to collect includes photos of the accident, eyewitness accounts, and surveillance footage. Additionally, if possible, write down a detailed description of events before and after the accident. 

4. Hire an Expert Attorney with Experience in Big Rig Accident Cases

You might qualify to file a compensation claim if you were injured in a truck accident. However, a compensation claim and lawsuit involving an accident with a big rig truck can be complex. You may experience challenges dealing with the trucking company’s insurer or lawyers, especially without legal counsel. 

Therefore, to increase the chances of securing a fair settlement, you should consider hiring an attorney with experience handling big rig truck accidents. A lawyer can help you evaluate your claim and explain your legal rights and options. 

They can also handle negotiations with the insurance company for you. If the trucking company’s insurance fails to resolve your claim fairly, your attorney may help you file a lawsuit for a personal injury claim. 

5. Talk to Witnesses

Witnesses at the accident scene can provide valuable information for your case. If you can, ask as many of them as possible to write statements describing what they saw during the accident. 

You should also save the witnesses’ contact information to get in touch later. Having all these details could help your attorney build a stronger case against the big rig driver, helping you get maximum compensation. 

6. Exchange Information with the Truck Driver

Before you leave the accident scene, you should exchange contact information with the truck driver involved in the accident. Crucial details to collect include the driver’s name, license number, insurance information, address, and the truck’s license number plate. 

You should also get proof of employment from the truck driver. So, ask them for their official work identification document and the name of their trucking company.