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Sustainable housing is not just a concept but a way of living. The little things we do in our homes to conserver resources and energy can have a huge impact on the environment. Being eco-friendly is making the most of what is given to you and ensuring a better quality of life that is sustainable. People decide to go green for many reasons, whether to conserve the environment or to save money. Either way, it is one step closer to protecting our earth.
There are a lot of ways that you can implement in your homes that will decrease your carbon footprint on this earth. Most people struggle to have an impact on the environment because they simply don’t know-how. Without further ado, use these simple steps in build an eco-friendly home and contributing to reducing the stress on the environment.

Switch to LED Bulbs
A great and step into an eco-friendly home are to invest in the right light bulbs. The traditional incandescent bulbs are being replaced by LED lightings as they are more energy-efficient and long-lasting. These energy-efficient bulbs can also help you save money as they use less electricity. Even though they have been around for quite some time, it only been a few years that people have come around to the idea.
Recycled Materials
A great way to live a sustainable lifestyle, you must consider using repurposed materials and recycled materials that can be used in your home. A great way to reduce your carbon footprint is to use recycled wood or other materials instead of opting for new furniture. You can also consider looking for antiques or even look for furniture at auction sites that require little maintenance. A compost bin can be an excellent source for natural free fertilizers that you can use for plants. Some other eco-friendly materials you can use at home are rubber roofing from recycled products, paper-based countertops, replace plastic bottles for glass, and even bamboo products that are very useful. A bamboo toothbrush is one biodegradable that you can swap to encourage a sustainable life.
Insulate Leaks
One of the smartest ways to make your home eco-friendly is to ensure that you use as little as possible. Most of us don’t even realize it but there is a lot of heat that is wasted due to air leaks in windows, doors, and even your floors. Several steps can be taken to block or fix leaks in different parts of your homes such as electrical work, ductwork, and even plumbing to conserve water. Regularly checking for leaks in your home can prove to be quite beneficial as it will help maintain the temperature in your home and present loss of energy through these leaks. There are inexpensive projects such as caulking and weather-stripping that can help improve air quality and conserve energy.
Skin-care and Cleaning Products
When you plan to go green in your home, you must take everything into consideration. From cleaning products to skin-care, it can help reduce your carbon footprint on this earth. Using skin-care products that produce less waste and biodegradable packages can help reduce the toll on the environment. Another way to play your role in sustainability is by using cleaning products that cause less harm to the environment. Mainstream cleaning products have a lot of harmful chemicals present in them that are used for various purposes at home. Switching to eco-friendly products that are toxin-free and improves your quality of life.

Conserving Water
Conversing water should be your utmost priority when it comes to an eco-friendly home. It is a crucial resource that is essential for us to survive, therefore we must use it wisely. Simple steps can be taken to save water such as using less water while taking shower or switching to low-flow showerheads. Regular checks on leaks will help you save water if there are any leaks. Even washing clothes in cold water and air drying them will save money and energy. If you have a backyard, you can choose plants and vegetation that require fewer fertilizers and water.
Smart Thermostat
A smart meter or thermostat can help you conserve a lot of energy and an excellent way to make your home eco-friendly. Leaving your thermostat on for long hours even when you are in the room leads to a lot of wasted energy and money. In fact, you can consider using a smart meter that allows you to control the temperature of the rooms through your smart device. You can even program them according to your work schedule so they use less energy when you are at work and heats or cools your rooms before you reach home. Some quality thermostats even adapt to behavior preferences that control the temperature of your home accordingly.
These are just some of the ways that can make your home eco-friendly and also help to conserve precious resources for a sustainable life. The goal of every eco-steward is to reduce their carbon footprint and play their role in living an eco-friendly life.
Home Eco-Friendly Featured Image Credit: Pixabay