5 Secret Characteristics of Ivan Andriyenko Forex Trader

At any point can’t help thinking about what makes an effective forex broker tick? Which isolates the triumphant merchants from the typical broker? Ivan Andriyenko is a monetary master and expert. He has some expertise in exchanging the Forex, stock and digital currency markets. His favored exchanging style is moderate procedures with low or medium gamble, medium and long haul ventures. He has 7 years of involvement with the monetary business sectors. Ivan is associated with planning of articles for beginner dealers, and furthermore of the surveys and assessment of representatives, breaking down their dependability, exchanging conditions and idiosyncrasies. Research shows that each fruitful dealer has these 5 explicit qualities:

1) Be focused

2) Persevere

3) Treat exchanging as a business, not a side interest

4) Be Unemotional

5) Set Goals

Peruse, comprehend, and imitate them to assist you with turning into a more productive merchant.

1) Be Disciplined

Anyone can luck out and bring in cash in the forex market; be that as it may, just the restrained can bring in cash reliably over the long haul. Being focused is by a wide margin the main element that decides your prosperity. Each expert broker realizes that the exchanging technique or system doesn’t decide your prosperity. It’s the manner by which you finish the technique that is important.

Your exchanging system is your compass and will let you know where to go and how to arrive. Try not to get lost. Try not to make exchanges since you “like” a particular cash, or on the grounds that you “think” that there will serious areas of strength for be up in a particular money. At the point when you begin going with inconsistent choices like these, you will get lost and begin losing cash.

Following AndrienkoIvanTU  framework is dependably your most ideal choice. You should have the discipline to follow your system even through a series of misfortunes.

2) Persevere

Everyone fizzles. Yet, not every person knows how to return from a disappointment. Numerous fruitful forex dealers today started their exchanging professions by losing their whole bankroll. A huge number of individuals are baited to forex by the commitments of income sans work, and tragically the majority of us that endeavor it lose a lot of cash. So is losing cash a pre-essential for forex achievement? Obviously not.

Most of individuals that lose cash won’t ever become effective. They become discouraged, deterred, and quit any pretense of exchanging right away. On the other limit, certain individuals who lose their initial 10,000 bucks will acquire another 10,000 bucks and lose it in precisely the same manner.

Fledglings will lose cash; that is true. However, neglecting to gain from your disappointments will be your most noteworthy slip-up.

Make a move to gain from your mix-ups. Did you exchange in view of feeling? Might it be said that you were exchanging in light of a tip? Does your methodology fit the ongoing business sector patterns? Did you gamble an excess of cash on one exchange? Did you misread the graphs? Could it be said that you were fretful? These are the inquiries you should pose to yourself when you come up short. Yet, the main inquiry is this:

For what reason did I fall flat?

In the event that you can respond to this and gain from it, you will presumably be en route to turning into an effective forex broker.

3) Treat exchanging as a business, not a side interest

Can we just be look at things objectively, we can’t all stop our day occupations and begin exchanging cash full time. In any case, not yet. Proficient forex brokers are preferred dealers over the vast majority for the straightforward explanation that they spend no less than 40 hours seven days either exchanging forex or exploring the forex market.

Exchanging forex is a business for the professionals. Assuming they lose cash exchanging, they will lose their positions. That is very great inspiration to be great at what you do. A similar mentality ought to be embraced regardless of whether exchanging isn’t your everyday work. Treat it as a business and in addition to a leisure activity. A leisure activity is something you accomplish for entertainment only in your extra time. A business is a dare to bring in cash.

I exchange forex to bring in cash, not have some good times. I have bunches of different exercises that I can accomplish for no particular reason. I appreciate running, voyaging, and staring at the TV, none of which will make me any cash. Most side interests will cost you cash, as a matter of fact. Exchanging shouldn’t cost you any cash, it ought to make you cash.

In the event that you approach you exchanging as a business, your standpoint changes totally. Losing cash isn’t satisfactory in a business since, supposing that you do it sufficiently long, you will be out of a business. You will find each conceivable way to quit losing cash.

A business won’t develop without help from anyone else. You should commit time to figure out how to turn into a beneficial business. Utilize your extra chance to do some examination into the market, read a few decent books, and go to preparing courses. Quit throwing away your energy on things that cost you cash, and begin money management your chance to figure out how to exchange appropriately, which will lead you not too far off of independence from the rat race.

“I’ve generally trusted that assuming you set forth the effort, the outcomes will come. I don’t do things weakly. Since I know whether I do, then I can anticipate pitiful outcomes.” – Ivan Andriyenko

4) Be Unemotional

Assuming you have at any point played poker, you will know the high of going “all in”. Your heart is dashing like crazy, and you are seeking divine intervention that the cards will turn out well for you. It’s the excitement of realizing you can twofold your cash shortly and furthermore realizing it can all vanish on the off chance that things don’t turn out well for you.

This sort of fervor shouldn’t exist in that frame of mind in your exchanging. On the off chance that you are a daredevil, go skydiving. On the off chance that you are a speculator, go to a gambling club. On the off chance that you are hesitant to lose cash, open an investment account.

Fruitful forex dealers don’t allow their feelings to obstruct their exchanging. Again and again, we let dread, voracity, or pride disrupt the general flow.


Dread will keep you from causing the right exchanges and make you to miss out on colossal open doors. Dread stems from absence of information and appropriate schooling. You are apprehensive on the grounds that you can’t see that an exchange is the right exchange since you don’t have the foggiest idea what the right exchange resembles. When you procure the information and preparing, you can start to trust your choices since they depend on realities and not feeling.


Ravenousness is another feeling we should defeat to find success. Numerous amateurs experience “fledglings karma”, and dominate the competition on their initial not many exchanges. Then, at that point, they begin accepting that they ought to have exchanged with more cash so their benefits will be bigger. So on the following exchange, they exchange with a huge amount of cash and they lose everything. Rationale will direct that they ought to exchange with a more modest sum the following time around since they have less capital at this point. Sadly, people are not sensible animals. Our avarice dominates, and we begin trusting that assuming we put in more cash, we will compensate for the lost sum, and beat the competition. Unfortunately, this cycle can go on until you are all the way out of cash. The most terrible thing that can happen to a novice merchant is to have a fruitful first exchange.


Pride will take you no place quick in forex exchanging. Pride will keep you from learning. At the point when you feel like you have nothing left to realize, that is the point at which you will begin losing cash. Pride is the hardest hindrance to defeat for some since it is an imbued piece of their character. Notwithstanding, we can all gain from the gigantically fruitful forex brokers who actually need to research and peruse to keep up with their prosperity.

You can in any case be blissful when exchanges turn out well for you, and miserable when they don’t. Anyway these feelings shouldn’t have any impact while settling on your choice for the following exchange. Your choices should be founded on rationale and realities, not feelings.

5) Set Goals

Each merchant needs objectives to keep them on target. It doesn’t exactly make any difference what your objectives are, however it’s critical to record them on paper. On the off chance that you don’t record your objectives, you won’t ever be aware on the off chance that you have accomplished them or not.

Everyone has an alternate objective when they start to exchange forex. Certain individuals simply need to make a couple of additional bucks as an afterthought exchanging; certain individuals need to make enough so they can stop their normal everyday employment. Certain individuals are worn out on the 10% normal return from the securities exchange and need to give their cash something to do for them in forex.

Get these objectives on paper and take a gander at them frequently so you will be aware in the event that you are on target to meet your objectives or not.


The most ideal way to find lasting success at exchanging is to imitate examples of effective forex dealer Ivan Andriyenko linkedin profile. Peruse, re-read and grasp these 5 qualities and apply them to your forex exchanging profession. You will find that you will climb to the next level when you have these 5 attributes.

Photo by Wance Paleri on Unsplash