5 Holiday Activities to Do With Cannabis Friends

As the holidays roll around, and as marijuana becomes legal in more and more states, the question bears asking:

What types of holiday activities can you do with your other cannabis friends? 

When all of you get together for the holidays, and you plan to smoke some delicious cannabis together, what types of activities should you plan on doing? 

Well, this is a great question. 

And in this blog post, you’re going to learn some of our favorite ideas. 

Let’s dive into it.

1. Just Hang Out Together

At the end of the day, what the holidays are really about is being together, being happy, celebrating the year, and just enjoying one another’s company. 

You can give gifts, enjoy each other’s friendship, and just, in general, bring in the new year together with some good times and some laughs.

(Note: Need some gift ideas for your fellow stoner friends? Check out Veriheal’s post on the topic!)

In fact, just hanging out is a very underrated activity, especially when you’re smoking cannabis.

So give it a try! 

Just schedule a casual hangout, and watch that holiday magic unfold as you all spark up some of your favorite green plant together. 

2. Watch Some Christmas Movies

Whether you like to eat edibles, vape, take tinctures, or smoke weed the good old-fashioned way—getting a little bit high while watching your favorite Christmas movies is bound to be a good time. 

You could even double down on this by watching some cult classic Christmas movies. 

The Elf and Krampus are two fantastic examples.

You could also just turn on the parade or watch whatever is on TV. 

Need some classic movie suggestions? Try one of the Christmas Carol movies, or even A Charlie Brown Christmas. 

3. Go For A Hike

If you live anywhere near the North Pole, this might not be a great option. (i.e. it’s very cold at the North Pole.) 

But if you live somewhere where the temperature is more moderate during the holidays, or if you’re willing to brave that icy weather in exchange for the beautiful scenery of a winter wonderland—then you could all spark up together and then head out for a fun hike on your favorite trail or down your favorite street. 

Pro tip: Go hiking downtown to see the beautiful lights and scenery, or literally take a walk through a Christmas light setup. 

4. Make Dinner Together

It’s tough to beat a home-cooked meal for the holidays. 

However, you can double down on this by sparking up with some cannabis together, hanging out, exchanging some gifts, and then preparing a meal from scratch—all while enjoying the euphoric benefits of your marijuana high. 

Nothing will bring you together like baking (and getting baked) with your other cannabis friends—especially when it comes to making those holiday staples. 

Have fun and enjoy yourself. 

Just don’t forget to turn the oven off—or that turkey you worked so hard on could end up catching on fire.

5. Listen To Some Music

Christmas music may be one of the most festive types of music in existence, regardless of which specific holidays you’re celebrating during this joyous time of the year. 

It stands to reason that putting on your favorite holiday tunes, using your favorite cannabis products, and just enjoying each other’s company while also basking in the merriment and joy of the holiday season, is a surefire recipe for success. 

You don’t even have to get fancy with it. 

Just get your phone, hook up your Bluetooth speaker, settle in on the couch, and get started on your holiday journey together. 

Just don’t forget the lighter (or the weed). 


The holidays are a wonderful time, no matter how you look at it. 

But when you combine them with cannabis, you really can’t help but score a slam dunk. 

Cannabis is awesome. 

The holidays are awesome. 

And you and your friends are awesome. 

So make sure to make a plan for this holiday season that matches your and your other cannabis friends’ personal tastes and preferences. 

In other words, do something unique to you, and enjoy the holidays in your own special way. 

You’ve got this!

Happy holidays.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash