5 Great Ways to Smell Good All Day

In an ideal world, smelling good would be a common trait for everyone. However, not everybody has that advantage naturally. Remember that anybody can smell nice all day long, as smelling good is not a genetic thing. What’s more, you don’t need to rely on deodorants or perfumes for a pleasant scent. Let’s look at five great ways to smell good all day.

1) Drink sufficient water

Body odor happens naturally due to sweating. Sweating happens to be your body’s way of regulating your inner temperature. However, it may also make your body lose excess water, leaving you dehydrated. Dehydration may also cause bad smells to seem more potent, especially in your mouth. Drinking sufficient water will help you keep your body hydrated at all times. It will also help dilute some of the bad smells in your mouth. Whether you like tap water or bottled water, you should drink at least eight glasses of water daily to ensure your mouth doesn’t stay dry and result in bad breath.

2) Shower often

The scent that emits from your body is a reflection of your cleanliness levels. However, genetics and what you eat may also influence your body odor. Now, it’s not possible to do anything about genetics. At the same time, you may not want to stop eating foods that may cause a foul odor (think garlic, broccoli, or fish). But, it is possible for you to control your cleanliness levels. How frequently you shower will depend upon your preference, activity levels, and skin type. But, at a bare minimum, you should shower once daily. If you can’t shower daily, then go for a sponge bath.

3) Maintain hygiene

Apart from showering regularly, it’s essential to maintain hygiene. To prevent foul body odor, solve the issue at its root cause: the bacteria build-up that forms on sweaty skin. Such bacteria will break down fatty acids and proteins, resulting in body odor. This is especially true if you suffer from swamp ass, something that develops due to excessive sweating between your butt-cheeks. Swamp ass is a problem that you may face during summers. You should maintain good hygiene throughout your body, especially in your nether regions, to keep smelling daisy-fresh all day.

4) Make your hair smell awesome all-day

If you’ve read the instructions on your shampoo bottle, you’ll notice that you are told to lather, rinse, and then repeat. There’s a reason for that – cleaning your hair regularly will leave it smelling good all day. Follow the American Academy of Dermatology suggestion that says that you should concentrate the shampoo on your scalp to really clean it before moving on to other parts of the hair on your head. A thorough wash will remove oil and dirt from your skin, ensuring that your hair smells terrific.

5) Use deodorants or antiperspirants to avoid body odor

Deodorants help in masking the smell of odor-causing bacteria. On the other hand, antiperspirants are chemical agents that help in reducing sweating or perspiration. The active ingredient in antiperspirants that help in reducing sweat is aluminum salts. To decide which one to go for, you can choose a deodorant if you won’t be in a situation that may cause you to sweat profusely. To help you in avoiding body odor, be sure to apply deodorant or an antiperspirant after your shower and before you hit the bed at night.

In Summary

Going for multiple baths or showers a day or bathing your skin with designer perfumes are not the best ways to smell good all day. Use the tips we’ve shared in this article to help you smell nice and feel good about yourself.

Image Credit: Jill Burrow on Pexels