5 Examples of PR Strategy that Works

Technology has undoubtedly changed how businesses, brands, and consumers communicate. Due to this fact, many public relations tactics that yielded results in the past have been rendered useless. Fortunately, you’re about to see the best cases of PR strategies that have not aged a bit. 

Leveraging the best PR tactics can lead to an explosion of possibilities for any brand. It can enable you to establish a stronger connection with your target market, increase brand awareness, and tighten customer loyalty, all while boosting your reputation simultaneously. 

This article aims to teach you how to use these classic PR tactics to gain a competitive edge in your industry.

The Publicity stunt

PR stunts are events or stories created artificially to attract the public’s attention. This brand’s unusual nature sparks conversation about its activities. A PR stunt is a marketing or PR tactic used to generate excitement about an upcoming event, like a big company merger, a new CEO joining the leadership team, or a new partnership established..

Photo Moments

Brand representatives or celebrities are asked to pose for photos with the media or take photos with customers. A newsworthy person capable of creating engaging social media content will be required for this PR tactic to succeed. This PR tactic helps to boost your brand’s relevance in popular culture by creating an interesting story around the important photo moments.

Press Releases & Currently Relevant Content

Creating press releases and distributing them through different online news agencies is important so your brand can be aware of upcoming events. A press release remains a very relevant part of any business’s PR tactics and strategies and directly affects the bottom line. The success of a press release depends on its high-quality content and distribution by a reputable media outlet. Online platforms that generate brand awareness can’t compromise on these verticals.

Local TV News & Media Coverage

National media coverage is not easy to come by.  Focus on your local news first.  Attention on local news platforms is easier because competition is lower, and you do not have to have a sensational story to gain attention.

People will keep coming back to you as long as your product, story, or brand’s USPs are relevant and interesting. Publish pitches in magazines, on TV, and online, and run paid media campaigns to see what happens.

Embrace Social Media Management

Social media has quickly become an essential component of current company strategies. You can quickly connect with consumers and enhance the way your business is regarded by creating accounts on the most popular sites and directing branded material at your target demographics.

In the digital age, how your firm communicates with clients on social media platforms is an important aspect of consumer evaluation. Creating a procedure for dealing with bad comments or customer evaluations is one smart approach to using social media in your public relations plan.

Completing the Picture

Adopting the right approach is the key to PR tactics and strategies. Getting started with a PR campaign is easier when you hire a professional PR firm with a unique strategy and modern tools. 5WPR is the largest privately-held PR firm in New York City. These pros service clients big and small from all corners of the US and internationally. Visit 5WPR.com if you want to work alongside a professional team with a solid track record of creative success.