3 Ways to Add Volume and Thickness to Your Mustache

A well-groomed and voluminous mustache can truly enhance your facial appearance and provide an air of confidence and style. It is true that genetics play an important role in determining the thickness of your mustache. But there are several effective methods to boost its volume and make it the focal point of your look. 

Whether you have a thin mustache or just want to take the look of your facial hair to the next level, we have got you. In this blog, we are going to mention the top 3 proven ways to achieve a fuller and thicker mustache. Keep reading to find out useful insights. 

1. Embrace Proper Nutrition 

Believe it or not, the health of your facial hair, including your mustache, starts from within. To achieve a healthy hair look, it is advised to incorporate a well-balanced diet into your daily routine. A nutrient-rich diet can have a positive impact on the growth and thickness of your facial hair. 

Especially foods rich in biotin, such as eggs, nuts, and avocados, promote hair growth and can contribute to a fuller mustache. Additionally, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, play a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair follicles. 

By incorporating these nutrients into your diet, you’re setting the foundation for a robust mustache look and overall healthy facial hair. 

2. Incorporate Mustache Wax into Your Routine 

Along with focusing on a daily diet and keeping your mustache hair healthy from within, you will also have to focus on hair-care products. The best of these products is mustache wax. It serves as a versatile styling tool that not only tames unruly hair but also adds volume and thickness. 

When selecting a mustache wax, opt for a product with natural ingredients to avoid any potential harm to your skin or facial hair. Bossman brand mustache wax is the best option you can opt for in terms of ingredient quality. Their wax has no harsh chemicals added to it and can be the best option in terms of natural treatments. 

To apply it, rub a small amount of wax between your fingertips and work it into your mustache, shaping it to your desired style. This will provide your mustache with structure and hold, creating the increased volume. 

3. Regular Trimming and Shaping 

While it may seem counterintuitive, regular trimming and shaping can actually contribute to a thicker-looking mustache. If you let your hair grow, it will become thinner and thinner. On the other hand, by keeping your mustache well-groomed and free from split ends, you create a healthier environment for hair growth. 

The plus point is that you don’t have to go to a hairstylist or barber to get it trimmed and in shape. You can use a pair of quality mustache scissors or a fine-toothed comb to remove any stray or damaged hair. 

Regularly shaping your mustache also helps define its lines and contours, making it appear more substantial, refined, and healthier. 

Photo by Josh Rocklage on Unsplash