25 Self-Care Practices for Every Area of Your Life

In recent years, mental health has become increasingly discussed in the public sphere and the long-time stigma around the subject has been decreasing. Many who lose a loved one, have a difficult pregnancy, or experience an emotional break-up are becoming more vocal about the impacts. In the wake of such difficult experiences, many people are calling attention to being more mindful of their well-being.

It’s no wonder that self-care has received a lot of attention over the past few years, with the emphasis being on trying to practice it more throughout the day. But what exactly does that mean? How can we as individuals find time for ourselves? And how can we make sure that our busy, hectic lives leave room for self-care?

Before we take a closer look at self-care practices for every area of your life, please remember that there are resources available if you’re struggling. If you’re considering harming yourself and need urgent care, Philadelphia has the resources to help.

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is the act of actively taking care of your mental health and well-being. When life seems overwhelming, self-care can help you handle stressful situations, decrease the odds that you’ll get sick, and boost your energy levels. Self-care is about more than just being present for our own needs, but is about being there and making room for the relationships in our lives, too.

Why Is Self-Care So Important?

Healthy relationships and a healthy mind are essential to the maintenance of a healthy body. When you’re healthy, you’re more likely to be able to care for yourself and be present for your loved ones. This means you can focus on what’s best for you and have more energy available to handle problems more effectively.

Self-Care Tips

Self-care activities can be as varied as you are and encompass physical, mental, spiritual, or social activities. The main idea is that you get in tune with what you need to be at your best. Self-care should be an ongoing part of your regular routine. Don’t wait until you’re in a crisis and need urgent care. Here are our top 25 self-care practices for every area of your life.

1. Find one relatively easy thing on your to-do list, do it, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment

2. Read up on a subject you’re curious about but haven’t made time for

3. Block out areas of your schedule specifically for “me time”

4. Start your day with music that will put you in a good frame of mind

5. If you’ve been focusing on the negative things in your life, try to write down some positive ones; if you’re in crisis, contact urgent care

6. Pay someone a compliment; making others feel better about themselves can do wonders for your own wellbeing

7. Take up a self-improving hobby or activity that can give you a sense of independence, such as cooking

8. Create a household budget; it can give you a sense of control over your circumstances and avoid unwelcome financial surprises

9. Take a mental tabulation of some of the things that are going well for you

10. Try unplugging from your devices and staying off of social media for a day

11. Get out for a vigorous walk with your earbuds and put on some music that makes you want to move

12. Create some art; it doesn’t have to be good and can be anything from a song, poem, drawing, or anything else creative

13. Spend some one-on-one time with a beloved pet

14. Find a podcast about something you’re interested in but haven’t made time to learn about yet

15. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can

16. Write encouraging post-it notes and place them around your home where you’ll see them each day

17. Listen to music that you haven’t listened to in a long time that reflects how you feel or would like to feel

18. Spend some time in nature

19. Don’t underestimate how good a nap can feel

20. Take a road trip with no particular destination in mind

21. Attend a local live music performance

22. Try going to that new cafe, restaurant, or shop you’ve been putting off going to

23. Read up on a skill you’d like to learn and find online tutorials about it

24. Learn how to politely decline requests or invitations when you’re already feeling overwhelmed

25. Contact urgent care if you’re having thoughts of self-harm

Me, Myself, and I

Of course, it’s not possible to create an exhaustive list of every way to practice self-care. One person’s self-care can easily be someone else’s nightmare. Ultimately, what self-care looks like will be unique to you. The main idea is that you’re doing some kind of action (or inaction) that helps you get ahead of a mental health crisis. There is help available, and don’t hesitate to contact urgent care if you’re in a difficult situation. Stay safe!

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash