10 Good Questions To Ask A Psychic

Most people if not all have an innate desire to know what the future holds for them because then they can be better prepared or act in a certain way to handle situations and ultimately avoid regrets.

This desire has driven some to visit individuals who claim to be psychic mediums only to discover that seeing a psychic might be the easiest part. As they would eventually find out, seeing a psychic is one thing, asking the right questions regarding one’s future is another thing.

As casual as it may seem to go visit a psychic, it’s important to prepare ahead by thinking deeply about things that truly matter to you as an individual. This may involve noting down your thoughts and possible questions to ask a psychic on a notepad.

With a good psychic, to get a good reading and experience, it’s a good idea to have a bit of focus ” like wanting to know about your job possibilities or health instead of vacillating between lots of topics.

If you are reading this article then it’s safe to say that you are not exactly a newbie when it comes to the topic of psychics, however, there’s no harm in defining who a psychic is before going on to the focus of this article which is to provide you with a list of good questions to ask a psychic.

Who Is A Psychic?

In the simplest of terms, Psychics are gifted humans who have inherent abilities that enable them to give insights into one’s past, present, and future life.

A psychic reading can be what you need to gain clarity and guidance for life. We live a life full of uncertainty and, more often than not, lack the answers to all the questions that come up. Psychic reading has been around for a substantial amount of time now. People in ancient days went to psychics for help, and today, we are still seeing more people turn to psychic predictions.

What Services Do Psychics Offer?

Psychics, often referred to as intuitive counselors or spiritual advisors, claim to possess extrasensory perception (ESP) or abilities to perceive information beyond the normal senses. The services offered by psychics can vary depending on their individual skills and expertise. Here are some common services provided by psychics:

Psychic Readings 

This is the most common service offered by psychics. They claim to tap into their intuitive abilities to provide insights and guidance on various aspects of a person’s life, such as relationships, career, finances, health, and personal development. Psychic readings can be done through various means, including in-person sessions, phone calls, chat messages, or email.

Tarot Card Readings

Many psychics use tarot cards as a tool to gain insights and provide guidance. Tarot cards are a deck of cards with symbolic images that are interpreted by the psychic to reveal information about the past, present, and future. The reader may ask the client to choose cards or lay them out in a particular spread to answer specific questions or provide a general overview.

Astrology Readings

Psychics with knowledge of astrology offer readings based on the positions and movements of celestial bodies. They interpret birth charts, which map the positions of planets at the time of a person’s birth, to provide insights into personality traits, life events, relationships, and other areas of life influenced by astrology.


Some psychics claim to have the ability to communicate with spirits or the deceased. They may offer mediumship services to connect clients with their departed loved ones, conveying messages or providing closure.

Energy Healing

Certain psychics specialize in energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, chakra balancing, or aura cleansing. They claim to manipulate and channel energy to promote healing, relaxation, and emotional well-being.

Past Life Regression

Psychics who offer past life regression sessions guide clients through a hypnotic state to explore their past lives. The purpose is to gain insight into current life challenges, relationships, and patterns that may be influenced by past experiences.

Dream Interpretation

Psychics with expertise in dream interpretation help clients understand the symbolism and meaning behind their dreams. They assist in uncovering subconscious messages, unresolved issues, or guidance offered through dreams.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness and accuracy of psychic services can vary, and their claims are not scientifically proven. When seeking psychic assistance, it’s advisable to approach it with an open mind and use your own discernment.

10 Good Questions To Ask A Psychic

Having defined who a psychic is and the services they offer generally, here are 10 good questions to ask a psychic. Note that these questions are just a safe place to start, especially if it’s your first time seeing a psychic.

  • What insights can you provide about my current life path and the direction I should take?

This question allows the psychic to provide guidance on your life’s overall direction. They may offer insights into your purpose, goals, and potential paths you could explore to align with your true self.

  • What are the key aspects of my life that I should focus on at this moment?
  • Are there any specific areas where I should make changes or adjustments?
  • What potential opportunities or challenges do you see on my life path?
  • Are there any significant upcoming opportunities or challenges that I should be aware of?

By asking this question, you open the door for the psychic to provide information about potential opportunities or challenges that may be on the horizon. This can help you prepare and make informed decisions.

  • Can you provide more details about the nature of these upcoming opportunities or challenges?
  • How can I best prepare myself to make the most of these opportunities or overcome the challenges?
  • Are there any specific timeframes associated with these events?
  • What can you tell me about my romantic relationships and any potential love interests?

If you’re seeking guidance regarding love and relationships, this question invites the psychic to offer insights about your current relationships, potential future partners, or any patterns or obstacles that may be affecting your romantic life.

  • Are there any insights into my current relationship or partnerships that I should be aware of?
  • What qualities should I look for in a potential partner or love interest?
  • Are there any particular steps I should take to enhance my existing relationships or attract a loving partnership?

If you’re itching to ask your questions to an experienced psychic and medium then you can start with a highly rated and recommended online psychic site such as Mysticsense.

  • How can I improve my financial situation or attract more abundance into my life?

With this question, you’re seeking guidance on enhancing your financial well-being. The psychic might provide suggestions on practical steps to improve your financial situation or offer insights on your relationship with money and abundance.

  • Are there any practical steps or strategies I can implement to improve my financial situation?
  • Are there any specific blocks or limiting beliefs that are hindering my financial abundance?
  • What can I do to align myself with the flow of abundance in my life?
  • Are there any messages from my spirit guides or loved ones who have passed away?

This question opens the door for the psychic to connect with your spirit guides or loved ones in the spirit realm. They may convey messages, provide comfort, or offer guidance from those who have crossed over.

  • How can I better connect with my spirit guides or loved ones in the spirit realm?
  • Are there any specific messages or guidance they have for me at this time?
  • Is there any advice they can provide to help me on my life journey?
  • What can you reveal about my health and well-being? Are there any areas I should focus on?

If you have concerns about your health or well-being, this question allows the psychic to provide insights into potential areas of focus, offer suggestions for self-care, or highlight any energetic or emotional imbalances they perceive.

  • Are there any specific health concerns I should be aware of or address?
  • Are there any holistic or alternative practices I should consider for improving my overall well-being?
  • What steps can I take to cultivate balance and harmony in my physical, emotional, and mental health?

If you’re itching to ask your questions to an experienced psychic and medium then you can start with a highly rated and recommended online psychic site such as Mysticsense.

  1. How can I enhance my personal and spiritual growth? 

Are there any practices or disciplines I should explore? By asking this question, you invite the psychic to offer guidance on personal and spiritual development. They may suggest practices such as meditation, mindfulness, energy work, or other disciplines that can support your growth.

  • Are there any specific meditation or mindfulness practices that would benefit me?
  • Are there any spiritual or personal development resources, workshops, or communities I should explore?
  • How can I integrate my spiritual growth into my daily life and relationships?
  1. Can you provide any guidance on improving my career or finding my true calling? 

If you’re seeking clarity in your professional life, this question allows the psychic to provide insights on your career path, potential opportunities, or guidance on finding your true calling. They may offer advice on aligning your work with your passions and talents.

  • Are there any specific career paths or industries that align with my skills and passions?
  • What steps can I take to identify my true calling or purpose in life?
  • Are there any particular skills or areas of expertise I should focus on developing to enhance my career prospects?

Are there any unresolved issues from my past that are affecting my present life? 

How can I address them? This question encourages the psychic to explore any unresolved issues or emotional baggage from your past that might be influencing your current circumstances. They can provide guidance on healing, forgiveness, and releasing any negative patterns.

  • Can you provide insights into any specific unresolved issues or traumas from my past?
  • What healing modalities or techniques can I use to address these unresolved issues?
  • Are there any specific affirmations or practices I can incorporate into my life for healing and releasing the past?

If you’re itching to ask your questions to an experienced psychic and medium then you can start with a highly rated and recommended online psychic site such as Mysticsense.

  • Is there any additional information or guidance you feel compelled to share with me at this time?

By asking this open-ended question, you give the psychic the opportunity to provide any additional information, insights, or messages that they feel are important for you to know, even if it doesn’t fit into the specific categories of the previous questions.

  • Are there any specific messages or guidance that haven’t been addressed in the previous questions?
  • Is there any particular area of my life that requires my attention or focus?
  • Are there any spiritual practices or rituals that would benefit me at this moment?

Remember that the responses from a psychic are based on intuition and perception, and it’s up to you to discern and integrate the information in a way that resonates with you. 

With any psychic or mediumship reading the purpose of the reading is to provide hope and uplifting answers to guide you forward on your path. You also have free will and your path can be changed whenever you choose differently.

If you’re itching to ask your questions to an experienced psychic and medium then you can start with a highly rated and recommended online psychic site such as Mysticsense.

Gone are the days of having to venture out to visit with your psychic. Now, it can all be done from the safety and comfort of your own home. 

Anyone that wants to have a psychic reading can now do so through any of their smart devices. At Mysticsense, psychic readings can be done over the phone, through web chat or SMS, and video call, depending on your preference. Sessions don’t need to be drawn out either and can be as brief or long as you like.

If you wish to begin, you can visit their official website through this link. >>CLICK HERE<<